pathology bank mcqs

This class was created by Brainscape user Maia Cunningham. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

1 a 57 year old man present with ...,
2 a 54 year old male complains of...,
4 a 75 year old woman has increas...
32  cards
For the past six months a 35 year...,
A 60 year old man has developed w...,
A 23 year old woman is bleeding h...
25  cards
You are gp working in a sexual he...,
Serena van der woodsen an 18 year...,
Eliza is a 26 year old female who...
16  cards
Jane a 23 year old female present...,
Jim is a 57 year old male present...,
Which is false with regards to ur...
17  cards
Different circumstances lend them...,
Which antibiotic is not effective...,
Big don is a 76 year old male who...
17  cards
The bcg vaccine can be best descr...,
A 60 year old man presents to the...,
Mr h a 66 year old maori gentlema...
19  cards
Which of the following is false w...,
A healthy 30 year old indonesian ...,
Yin ling a 22 year old woman has ...
9  cards
Don has recently been out for a s...,
Which of the following causes a n...,
Mr m a 67 year old man presents t...
12  cards
You evaluate an 83 year old man i...,
A 23 year old man arrives at ed w...,
You are a junior house officer wo...
14  cards
Miss a 23y f is an intravenous dr...,
A 30 year old female presents to ...,
What is the recommended treatment...
14  cards
Lydia is a caretaker who works in...,
During your general surgery run a...,
Mr ab 79y has returned to the gp ...
13  cards
Chem Path - Liver
A negative urine bilirubin urine ...,
A negative urine bilirubin urine ...,
A negative urine bilirubin urine ...
10  cards
Chem Path - Alcohol + Drugs
All of the following are treatmen...,
You suspect a person had died of ...,
A comatose 27 year old woman is b...
8  cards
Chem Path - Endocrine
A 40 year old female presents to ...,
A 40 year old man sees his gp bec...,
A 45 year old woman reports a fee...
28  cards
Chem Path - Cancer Markers
Select the most likely site for a...,
An elevated serum level of c reac...,
A 75 year old man with point tend...
9  cards
Chem Path - Cardiac and Lipids
Which of the following is true ab...,
Which one of the listed substance...,
A 65 year old man on the fifth da...
11  cards
Chem Path - Renal
Three days after admission to hos...,
Which of the following suggests c...,
A 56 year old man with long stand...
8  cards
Infection control
You see mrs a a 68 year old nz eu...,
You are a trainee intern doing a ...,
Mrs v a 78 year old pakeha woman ...
11  cards
HIV + immunocompromised
Mrs y is a 28 year old woman who ...,
Jamie is a 24 year old female wit...,
Mr jb is a 45 year old pakeha man...
15  cards
A 26 year old male farm worker fr...,
Mr douglas comes into your gp cli...,
Mr bond is a 45yo farmer who has ...
11  cards
Anatomic Pathology - Resp
A 55 year old man was found to ha...,
Patients with significant asbesto...,
A 63 year old male presents to hi...
3  cards

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pathology bank mcqs

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