This class was created by Brainscape user Lili Popp. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Short term effects of air polluti...,
Sections in the practice patterns...,
Which is not part of the healthy ...
69  cards
Cell Injury
Which best describes pathogenesis...,
A self regulating process by whic...,
Classified as pathologic hyperpla...
48  cards
A 25 year old male commercial sex...,
Exercise has the following effect...,
The concept of molecular mimicry ...
95  cards
Infectious Diseases
How is influenza transmitted,
The following can cause latent in...,
Fever in this disease generally d...
40  cards
Which health model explains disea...,
Environmental barriers related to...,
As the client verbality informs t...
80  cards
Define each neoplasia oncology,
Define each tumor cancer,
Extent to which neoplastic parenc...
45  cards
Midterms: Endocrine and Metabilism
Which thyroid cancer is part of m...,
The physical therapist can best p...,
Physiologic effects of cortisol i...
60  cards
Midterms: Hema and Lymph
The major clinical manifestation ...,
T or fassess whether the statemen...,
Individuals with pernicious anemi...
40  cards
Cardiac related chest pain may ar...,
Which of the following would be t...,
Etiologic factors of congestive h...
59  cards
Midterms: Respi
Accumulation of air or gas in the...,
Type of cyanosis commonly caused ...,
Most common cause of pulmonary em...
45  cards
Midterms: GIT, Hepatic, pancreatic, and billary
Which of the following can cause ...,
Which of the following is the bes...,
Which of the follow is not a risk...
35  cards
Finals: Renal & Repro
The most important prognostic fac...,
Highest risk in the development o...,
The dominant pathway in the devel...
50  cards
Finals: CNS & PNS
Which of the following intraspina...,
Which of the following tumor is m...,
Which of the following tumors in ...
60  cards
Finals: Musculoskeletal
Risk factors to the development o...,
Which is the most common site for...,
True of extrapulmonary tuberculos...
60  cards
Which of the following conditions...,
Infiltration of the meninges and ...,
More than half of the musculoskel...
100  cards

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