This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Jones. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Cell adaptation
What are the 3 ways cells react t...,
What causes cells to adapt into a...,
Cellular adaptation affects growt...
54  cards
Cell injury
What is cell injury a response to...,
What does the cells response to i...,
What do reversible and irreversib...
14  cards
Cell death
What are the 2 ways that cells ca...,
What is apoptosis what causes it,
Does apoptosis affect cell membra...
14  cards
Intro to inflammation
What is inflammation,
What are examples of injury that ...,
What are the 5 signs of inflammation
33  cards
Acute inflammation
How long does acute inflammation ...,
What is the first inflammatory ce...,
What happens to blood vessels and...
34  cards
Chronic inflammation
Chronic inflammation is the simul...,
What cells are involved with acti...,
What happens during chronic infla...
32  cards
Wound healing
What 4 factors achieve wound heal...,
What is healing by first intentio...,
What is healing by secondary inte...
9  cards
Anti-inflammatory drugs
Nsaids are like which drug,
What do nsaids inhibit,
Nsaids inhibit cox prostaglandins...
40  cards
More inflammatory drugs (other than NSAIDs)
Glucocorticoids are another type ...,
What effects does glucocorticoids...,
What is included in prostanoids
11  cards
Disorders of tissue growth
Normal cells can be classed as la...,
What is the name of stem cell rep...,
Describe the potency of embryonic...
39  cards
More disorders of tissue growth
How do benign and malignant tumou...,
How do benign and malignant tumou...,
How do benign and malignant tumou...
42  cards
Anti-neoplastic pharmacology
When is treatment best given,
What should be considered for ant...,
How can we overcome chemotherapy ...
31  cards
What is colloid osmotic pressure ...,
What is hyperaemia,
Hyperaemia can be active or passi...
36  cards
Haemorrhage and oedema
What is haemorrhage,
What is the difference between ha...,
What causes haemorrhage
24  cards
Diseases of haemostasis
What are the 4 normal stages of h...,
What is released to cause vasocon...,
What happens if there is too much...
32  cards
What is shock,
What does shock cause why,
Shock is the final pathway of man...
9  cards
Skin pharmacology
What are the 3 layers to the skin...,
What are the functions of the skin,
Disturbance of skin homeostasis c...
25  cards
What is haematopoiesis,
What happens to ageing or damaged...,
Give an example of when there mig...
43  cards
Haematology - RBCs
What is haematocrit,
What is the function of blood plasma,
What are the words to describe an...
36  cards
Haematology - WBCs and platelets
What are the functions of each wbc,
Which cells are polymorphonuclear...,
Which are the largest and smalles...
23  cards
What is haemostasis,
What happens to vessels when they...,
When does primary and secondary h...
19  cards
Anti-thrombotic therapy
What is the most important featur...,
What is a thrombus,
What is primary thrombosis
24  cards

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Decks: Pathology, Cell As A Unit Of Health And Disease, I Cell Injury Cell Death And Adaptations, And more!
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