This class was created by Brainscape user Lizzie Lab. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Introduction Lecture
When labeling with scientific nam...,
When placing animals into taxa it...,
What part of the tick is this
33  cards
Life Cycles
What can knowing the life cycle h...,
Define definitive primary princip...,
Define intermediate secondary host
53  cards
Pathogenesis of Parasitic Diseases
Do all parasite infections result...,
Define subclinical infections,
What does the likelihood and seve...
68  cards
Diagnostic parasitology techniques
What are,
What does endoparasites break dow...,
What are the key characteristics ...
102  cards
Flies and Myiasis
What is another name for flies,
How many pairs of wings do adult ...,
Do all flies have wings
75  cards
Louse infestations
What are the physical characteris...,
What are lice obligate ectoparasi...,
Define pediculosis
112  cards
Flea Infestations
What are the physical features of...,
Which is larger female or male fleas,
What is another word for fleas
62  cards
Tick Infestation
How are ticks destructive to thei...,
How long can ticks survive betwee...,
How are ticks important in diseas...
109  cards
Mite Infestations
What are the biological features ...,
What are mites closely related to,
What is the active form of the mite
99  cards
Integrated Vet. Medicine
How many legs do larvae have,
How many legs do nymphs have,
What is a haller s organ
45  cards
Trypanosomiasis And Leishmaniasis
What is the causative agent of ch...,
What is the causative agent of do...,
What is the causative agent of na...
60  cards
Cryptosporidiosis and Coccidian Diseases
Is cryptosporidium considered a c...,
What is a zoite,
What is an oocyst
53  cards
What are the causative agents of ...,
What species get infected with gi...,
What species get infected with gi...
45  cards
Clinical Case Example Cryptosporidiosis
What are the two significant spec...,
What is a cryptosporidium species...,
What kills children under the age...
15  cards
Amoeba and Ciliates
0  cards

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