paramedic science- year two practical

This class was created by Brainscape user hannah stephens. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Human Factors (done)
Why is human factors important,
What does the shared approach sta...
2  cards
models of history taking (done)
What is haematensis,
What is haematuria,
What is dysuria
17  cards
Clinical reasoning (done)
What is the aim for clinical reas...,
What factors can affect your clin...,
What does the patient story build
6  cards
cardiovascular assessment
Examples of history questions you...,
What are the symptoms of cardio r...,
Questions to ask about shortness ...
16  cards
respiratory assessments
When completing a respiratory ass...,
What can white sputum show,
What can yellow sputum show
26  cards
abdominal assesments
What does the abdomen cover,
What are the organs in the abdomi...,
What sort of questions can use as...
7  cards
Advanced skills
Where are the main sites for iv a...,
Where are other sites to consider...,
What are the techniques to encour...
21  cards
neurological assessment
How to asses for mental capacity,
What are the red flags for a head...,
What should you be considering as...
9  cards
What are your critical considerat...,
What is the patient assessment tr...,
When approaching a trauma pt what...
8  cards
Pain Management (done)
What is acute pain,
What is chronic pain,
What is nociceptive pain
15  cards
recognition of a sick child (done)
What is the flacc scale used for,
What does the flacc scale stand for,
What is the traffic light system
14  cards
Maternity (done)
What are the 4 causes of post par...,
When can secondary post partum ha...,
When can a post partum haemorrhag...
43  cards
Major incidents (done)
What are some hazarsds in major i...
1  cards

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paramedic science- year two practical

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