paper 3 biology

This class was created by Brainscape user Maryan Salad. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

factors affecting enzyme activity
What are the four factors that af...,
What is the effect of enzyme conc...,
How is the effect of substrate co...
16  cards
use of light microscope
Explain the steps to set up micro...,
How do we calibrate,
How do you find actual length usi...
8  cards
root tip squash prep to show stages of mitosis
What is the importance of stainin...,
Why are the root tips left in war...,
What is the importance of macerat...
9  cards
effect of sucrose conc on pollen tube length
What is the independent variable ...,
How is the iv accurately changed,
What is the depedent variable
21  cards
effect of temp on beetroot membrane permeability
What is the independent variable ...,
How was the iv accurately chnaged,
What is the dependent variable
7  cards
determine water potential in plant cells
What is the independent variable ...,
How is the iv accurately changed,
What is the dependent variable
15  cards
gas exchange systems of locusts
State rules for biological drawings,
How are locusts used ethically in...
2  cards
effect of environmental conditions on water uptake in plant shoot
What is the independent variable ...,
How is the iv accurately changed,
What is the dependent variable
9  cards
factors affecting rate of aerobic respiration using respirometer
What is the independent variable ...,
How was the iv accurately changed,
What is the dependent variable
9  cards
investigate effect of wavelength of light on photosynthesis
What is the independent variable ...,
How is the iv accurately changed,
What is the dependent variable
9  cards
isolate chloroplast pigments using chromatography
What are the factors that affect ...,
State the formula for rf value,
What are the possible limitations
5  cards
investigate rate of growth of bacteria in liquid culture
Explain how to carry out aseptic ...,
What is the independent variable ...,
How was the iv accurately changed
10  cards
isolate individual species from a mixed culture of bacteria using streak plating
Explain how to carry out streak p...,
Explain how different colonies ca...,
Explain why lid should not be tap...
4  cards
exam questions 2023
Give three differences between th...,
State why you would cover the dis...,
Name the structure that supplies ...
6  cards

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paper 3 biology

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