This class was created by Brainscape user Mona Fazakas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Lesson 1: Appearance and Anatomy
What is palaeontology,
What is a fossil,
Why are most fossils comprised of...
80  cards
Lesson 2: Death and Fossilization
What is taphonomy,
How could a dead dinosaur s body ...,
What is the bloat and float pheno...
33  cards
Lesson 3: Eating
How can paleontologists determine...,
What are herbivores,
What are carnivores
31  cards
Lesson 4: Moving Around
What is a sprawling stance,
What is an erect stance,
What are the advantages of the er...
36  cards
Lesson 5: Birth, Growth, and Reproduction
What did eggs look like prior to ...,
What are amniotic eggs,
What are amniotes
24  cards
Lesson 6: Attack and Defense
How were horns spikes and armor u...,
What are deterrents,
What deterrents did giant sauropo...
27  cards
Lesson 7: What is a Species?
Who was carl linnaeus,
What is taxonomy,
What is a binomial name
21  cards
Lesson 8: Evolution
What was charles darwin s theory,
What are heritable traits,
What is variation
24  cards
Lesson 9: Stratigraphy and Geologic Time
What is the principle of superpos...,
What are exceptions to the princi...,
What is stratigraphy
35  cards
Lesson 10: Paleogeography and Plate Tectonics
Who was alfred wegener,
What was the flaw in wegener s th...,
What is the crust
43  cards
Lesson 11: Dinosaur Origins
What are anapsids,
What are synapsids,
What are the characteristics of d...
15  cards
Lesson 12: Dinosaur Extinction
What are extant species,
What are extinct species,
What was the end ordovician mass ...
18  cards

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paleo 200

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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