This class was created by Brainscape user Akhona Mthethwa. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Which infants and children are at...,
What is the standard value of hyp...,
Symptoms of hypoglycemia
22  cards
0  cards
Define severe acute malnutrition,
5  cards
What is asd and what clinical sig...,
How does vsd occur,
How is a vsd differ from a late vsd
14  cards
What is the role of art,
What is the impact of art in chil...,
What tests should you do or condi...
54  cards
What is the first thing to do whe...,
What is the criteria for burn uni...,
What are the main functions of th...
29  cards
Discuss your approach to a trauma...,
Outline the gcs for a child under...,
What makes a paediatric airway di...
20  cards
Child Abuse
What is the role of health care w...,
What circumstances should raise s...,
Outline the types of child abuse
8  cards
Medical Ethics
The 4 basic ethics principles,
When can a child consent to an hi...,
When can a child be able to get c...
16  cards
Oesophageal & Duodenal Atresia
Outline the primary care of oesop...,
Standard tx of toa,
Complications of surgical anastom...
41  cards
Neck Masses
How does failure of complete reso...,
Differences between cysts sinus t...
2  cards
Abdominal Mass
At what age do children present m...,
At what age do children present m...,
At what age do children present m...
15  cards
Anorectal Malformation
Clinical presentation of anorecta...,
Clinical presentation of anorecta...,
Differentiate between high lesion...
12  cards
Abdominsl Wall Defects
Which abdominal wall defects are ...,
Which abdominal wall defects are ...,
Which abdominal wall defects are ...
7  cards
Hepatobiliary System
What causes increased unconjugate...,
What causes increased conjugated ...,
Outline the classification of neo...
7  cards
Inguinal And Scrotal Masses
Ppv that allows peritoneal fluid ...,
How does the size of the baby det...,
What is the main borthersome comp...
41  cards
Differentiate between hematochezi...,
What special investigations would...,
Causes of massive bleed
29  cards
Which organisms are commonly asso...,
Who mostly gets appendicitis,
Symptoms of appendicitis
8  cards
Neuro Exam Notes
Tx for adhd,
Side effects of anti epileptic dr...,
Features of trisomy 21
87  cards
Abdo Exam
Clinical manifestations of chroni...,
Features of kidney disease,
Signs of vit a deficiency
47  cards
Caiology Exam rd
Cardiac features of down syndrome,
Cardiac features of turner syndrome,
Cardiac features of fas
21  cards
Resp Conditions/Exams
Signs of increased work of breathing,
Distinguish pleural effusion from...,
Causes of large air trapping and ...
31  cards
What is atopy,
Approach to allergies,
Management of allergies 4 pillars...
26  cards
Early warning signs of childhood ...,
Common type of leukemia in children,
Clinical features of all
4  cards

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