This class was created by Brainscape user Grace Hopkinson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Developmental Milestones - Language
Expected speech at 3 months,
Expected speech at 6 months,
Expected speech at 9 months
9  cards
Developmental Milestones - Gross Motor
What is expected by 4 months,
6 months,
9 months
9  cards
Developmental Milestones - Fine Motor skills
8 weeks,
6 months,
9 months
10  cards
Developmental Milestones - Social
At what age does a baby smile,
At what age does a baby communica...,
When is a baby curious and engage...
9  cards
Red flags in child development
What is a red flag for a 5 month old,
What is a red flag at 12 months,
What is a red flag at 18 months
6  cards
Revision summaries of congenital heart defects
Ventricular septal defect vsd ris...,
Vsd pathophysiology,
Clinical presentation of vsd
19  cards
Immunisation schedule
Vaccinations offered at birth,
Vaccine offered at 2 months,
Vaccine offered at 3 months
9  cards
Congenital abnormalities
Features of foetal alcohol syndrome,
Risks of cigarette smoking in pre...,
Effects on the foetus of rubella ...
12  cards
Musculoskeletal conditions
Transient synovitis typical history,
What is transient synovitis,
Management of transient synovitis
19  cards
Breast feeding
Which drugs are contraindicated i...,
Advantages of breast feeding,
Disadvantages of breast feeding
3  cards
Common Paeds Qs
What are breech babies at risk of...,
Give at least 4 factors that can ...,
What is the most common heart les...
19  cards
Child with breathing difficulties (respiratory conditions)
What causes bronchiolitis,
What is the association between b...,
What are the signs of bronchiolit...
17  cards

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