This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Bryce. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Eruption Patterns
What is the typical eruption patt...,
From what ages do primary teeth e...,
What are the first permanent teet...
22  cards
History and Examination
What aspects of the child s histo...,
What would you do at the first ap...,
What are the seven components of ...
23  cards
What is the difference between st...,
Describe the health map of health...,
Give an example of an appropriate...
25  cards
Management of Caries in Primary Teeth
What management strategies are th...,
If a prr is placed what things sh...,
What management strategies are th...
50  cards
Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation
1  cards
Medical Issues in Paeds Patients
Why is it important to know if a ...,
Why is tooth decay of a concern i...,
What would be the priority in hae...
70  cards
Dental Anomalies
What is hypodontia,
What is the most common tooth to ...,
Which teeth are least likely to b...
43  cards
Intrinsic Discolouration
What are the treatment options fo...,
What pre op records are required ...,
Why is it important to check the ...
36  cards
Management of Caries in Permanent Teeth
If there is initial caries poster...,
If a permanent tooth has moderate...,
What is the ideal treatment for m...
20  cards
Paediatric Trauma in Primary Dentition
What is an enamel fracture,
What is an enamel dentine fracture,
What is a complicated tooth fracture
43  cards
Paediatric Trauma in the Permanent Dentition
During the mh assessment of the c...,
What aspects of the trauma histor...,
What aspects of e o examination w...
83  cards
Post-trauma complications
What are the main post trauma com...,
What is pulp canal obliteration,
What is the treatment for pulp ca...
5  cards
Safe-Guarding Children
What 3 elements must be present f...,
Why legislation exists for child ...,
What does the cypa state with reg...
7  cards

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