This class was created by Brainscape user Elli Kirkpatrick. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

What is included in a trauma stamp,
What types of resorption can occur,
What is external surface resorption
13  cards
Developmental Anomalies
What are the teeth most likely to...,
What conditions are associated wi...,
What teeth are least likely to be...
24  cards
List 4 things that can determine ...,
List 5 possible treatment options...,
A patient has an avulsion of a pe...
31  cards
Intrinsic Discolouration
What are the treatment options fo...,
What is the technique steps for h...,
What are the advantages of microa...
16  cards
What is asthma,
What are the symptoms of asthma,
What are the dental implications ...
10  cards
What deficiency is haemophilia a,
What deficiency is haemophilia b,
What is the plasma activity in se...
6  cards
Cleft's & ASD
What are the possible reasons for...,
What are the 3 main challenges fo...,
Why is dentistry challenging for ...
4  cards
Childhood Cancer
What are haematological cancers,
What is the most common cancer ty...,
What are the 2 main types of acut...
12  cards
Type 1 diabetes
What is the peak age for diagnosi...,
What causes diabetes,
What is the presentation of type ...
5  cards
SDCEP guidelines
What ppm and fluoride would you p...,
At what age can you prescribe 280...,
At what age would you consider pr...
3  cards
Past Paper Q's
How do you address an issue of pr...,
What brushing advice would you gi...,
List 4 things that help determine...
36  cards
What are the 3 main types of cere...,
What is spastic cerebral palsy wh...,
What is ataxic cerebral palsy wha...
38  cards
What are decalcification caries,
Where do you find smooth surface ...,
Where is most commonly affected b...
10  cards

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