This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Ray. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Community Paediatrics
What is a skeletal survey,
What is a key sign of a shaken baby,
Why must x rays be repeated follo...
117  cards
Emergency Paediatrics
What do you do if a child has nic...,
What are the nice traffic light a...,
What are the nice traffic light r...
50  cards
What are the signs of respiratory...,
What is grunting caused by,
What is the difference between a ...
171  cards
Why are shunts in place in fetal ...,
What are the 3 fetal shunts present,
What happens to fetal circulation...
168  cards
Allergies and Immunology
Define sensitivity and hypersensi...,
Define allergen,
Define sensitisation
73  cards
How can renal function in childre...,
What radiological investigations ...,
What are the symptoms of a uti
75  cards
Infectious Diseases
What are important factors to con...,
What are the red flag features su...,
What is the management of the feb...
163  cards
Haematology and Oncology
What are the differences between ...,
What is hydroxycarbamide used for,
What are the common causes of ana...
119  cards
What is the cause of acne vulgaris,
What is the management of acne,
What is the risk of oral retinoids
74  cards
What is the presentation of t1dm,
What are the investigations when ...,
What does long term management of...
98  cards
What is it important to ask about...,
What is epilepsy,
What are the types of seizures
120  cards
What are the typical features sug...,
What is encopresis,
What are rarer causes of encopresis
81  cards
Paediatric Surgery
What are the medical causes of ab...,
What are causes of abdominal pain...,
What are surgical causes of abdom...
108  cards
Where is surfactant produced and ...,
What are the cardio respiratory c...,
What can occur in extended hypoxia
115  cards
Orthopaedics and Rheumatology
What is genu varum bow legs,
What is genu valgum,
What is metatarsus varus
102  cards
PassMed Qs
What is the first line for mycopl...,
What is the heart murmur seen in ...,
What drug class is associated wit...
32  cards
Viral Exanthems
What are the viral exanthems,
What are the symptoms of measles,
What is the measles rash
28  cards

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