This class was created by Brainscape user McGrane. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (59)

Atrial Septal Defect
What is an atrial septal defect,
How does the blood move with an a...,
Why does blood move form the
22  cards
Coarctation of the Aorta
What is coarctation of the aorta,
What is,
Who is coarctation of the aorta m...
14  cards
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
What type of condition is,
What is patent ductus arteriosus,
How is patent ductus arteriosus n...
22  cards
Tetralogy of Fallot
When are most cases of teratology...,
When does teratology of fallot us...,
When is teratology of fallot usua...
25  cards
Transposition of Great Arteries
What type of condition is,
What is transposition of great ar...,
Which children are at increased r...
14  cards
Ventricular Septal Defect
What is ventricular septal defect...,
What happens to vsd in 50 of cases,
What are the 2 types of causes of...
16  cards
Innocent Murmurs
What is another name for an innoc...,
What are innocent murmurs due to,
How do innocent murmurs present
8  cards
Pathological murmurs
What are the differentials of a p...,
How is a pansystolic murmur descr...,
What is another term for pansystolic
23  cards
Aortic Stenosis
What is aortic valve stenosis,
What does the severity of aortic ...,
How can aortic stenosis present
17  cards
Pulmonary Valve Stenosis
What is the cause of pulmonary st...,
What is pulmonary valve stenosis ...,
How does pulmonary stenosis usual...
14  cards
Cyanotic Heart Disease
What can congenital heart disease...,
How does cyanosis occur,
How does cyanotic heart disease o...
11  cards
Heart Failure
What do all children with heart f...,
What might patients with a struct...,
What clinical features can an inf...
11  cards
Eisenmenger Syndrome
When does eisenmenger syndrome occur,
What is eisenmenger syndrome,
What 3 underlying lesions can res...
20  cards
Ebstein’s Anomaly
What type of condition is,
What is ebstein s anomaly charact...,
What does low insertion of the tr...
15  cards
0  cards
What is a viral induced wheeze,
What are the typical features of ...,
How does a viral induced wheeze p...
9  cards
What is pneumonia,
What is the main bacterial cause ...,
What is the most common viral cau...
22  cards
What is croup,
Who does croup typically affect,
What does croup cause
14  cards
Acute Epiglottitis
What is epiglottitis,
What type of condition is epiglot...,
Who does epiglottitis tend to affect
15  cards
What is the cause of tracheitis,
Is tracheitis common,
What is tracheitis similar to
7  cards
What is bronchiolitis,
What is the most common cause of ...,
When are the symptoms of bronchio...
23  cards
0  cards
Pertussis (whooping cough)
What is pertussis,
What is the main cause of pertussis,
What type of bacteria causes is b...
22  cards
What is cryptorchidism,
In who are undescended testis mor...,
What percentage of cases of undes...
12  cards
What is tonsillitis,
What is the most common type of i...,
Which organism is the most common...
16  cards
Testicular Torsion
What is testicular torsion due to,
Who does testicular torsion typic...,
How long is the window before the...
12  cards
What does the urinary tract include,
What is acute pyelonephritis,
What can acute pyelonephritis lea...
24  cards
In which cultures is circumcision...,
Is circumcision for cultural reas...,
What are some medical benefits of...
6  cards
Antenatal hydronephrosis
0  cards
What type of condition is hypospa...,
What is hypospadias,
How is hypospadias diagnosed
12  cards
Haematuria and Proteinuria
0  cards
Nephrotic syndrome
When does nephrotic syndrome occur,
What does the permeable basement ...,
When is nephrotic syndrome most c...
23  cards
What is nephritis,
What does nephritis result in,
What are the most common types of...
25  cards
Haemolytic Urinemic Syndrome
When does,
What is haemolytic urinemic syndr...,
What is the shiga toxin produced by
17  cards
Henoch Schonlein Purpura
What is henoch schonlein purpura,
What does,
What are the 4 key features of
15  cards
Primary and secondary nocturnal enuresis
What does enuresis mean,
What is nocturnal enuresis,
What is diurnal enuresis
27  cards
Polycystic Kidney DIsease
What are the 2 types of polycysti...,
Which form of polycystic kidney d...,
How is autosomal recessive polycy...
16  cards
Vesicoureteric Reflux
What is,
What does vesicoureteric reflux p...,
Why is important to investigate f...
23  cards
0  cards
Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis
What does cause,
Who does focal segmental glomerul...,
What are the possible causes of f...
9  cards
What is hydrocele,
What is the fluid contained withi...,
What are simple hydroceles caused by
16  cards
Inguinal Hernia
Do inguinal hernias affect males ...,
Why are inguinal hernias more com...,
What can persist and be the site ...
13  cards
0  cards
0  cards
What is epilepsy,
What is a seizure,
How do tonic clonic seizures present
35  cards
Febrile Convulsions
What are febrile convulsions,
What age of child is usually affe...,
What type of seizure are febrile ...
24  cards
Head size
What is microcephaly,
What are the pathological causes ...,
What are the other possible cause...
25  cards
What are some possible causes of ...,
What is the most common type of h...,
How does a tension headache present
26  cards
What is syncope,
What are other terms for a syncop...,
What is the term used to refer to...
21  cards
Muscular dystrophy
What is muscular dystrophy,
What are the main types of muscul...,
What type of inheritance does duc...
23  cards
Cerebral palsy
What is cerebral palsy,
What is cerebral palsy,
What are the causes of cerebral p...
20  cards
Intraventricular Haemorrhage
What is an intraventricular haemo...,
How does an intraventricular haem...,
How does an intraventricular haem...
5  cards
West Syndrome (infantile Spasms)
What is west syndrome,
What is another name for west syn...,
When does west syndrome typically...
16  cards
0  cards
Exclusion from school
How long does a child with scarle...,
How long does a child with whoopi...,
How long does a child with need t...
15  cards
Development stages
0  cards
0  cards
Mesenteric adenitis
What is mesenteric adenitis,
What can mesenteric adenitis pres...,
What does mesenteric adenitis usu...
8  cards
Hearing tests
When is a child s hearing first a...,
What is the newborn hearing test,
What would be carried out if the ...
6  cards

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paediatrics 1

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