This class was created by Brainscape user Janethegreatest Roberts. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Energy random revision (pages 167-177)
In what way is energy transferred...,
In what type of system is the net...,
In an electric kettle how is ener...
40  cards
P1 Energy (page 167)
Is energy used up,
When energy is transferred to an ...,
What are the energy stores you wi...
15  cards
P1 Kinetic and Potential Energy Stores (page 168)
What is the three common ways to ...,
What is kinetic energy store,
How is kinetic energy transferred...
18  cards
P1 Specific Heat Capacity (page 169)
What is meant by specific heat ca...,
Do different materials have diffe...,
Why is more energy needed to be t...
10  cards
P1 Conservation of Energy and Power (page 170)
What fact must you remember about...,
What is the conservation of energ...,
When energy is transferred betwee...
17  cards
P1 Reducing Unwanted Energy Transfers (page 171)
What are the ways you can reduce ...,
Lubrication reduces what,
Whenever something moves there s ...
17  cards
P1 Efficiency (page 172)
True or false most energy transfe...,
Useful devices are only useful be...,
Some of the input energy is usual...
14  cards
P1 Energy Resources and Their Uses (page 173)
Energy resources both renewable a...,
Will non renewable energy resourc...,
What are non renewable energy res...
13  cards
P1 Wind, Solar and Geothermal (page 174)
Name renewable energy resources,
Do renewable energy resourses gen...,
What is wind power energy resources
26  cards
P1 Hydro-electricity, Waves and Tides (page 175)
What is hydro electric power,
Whe is there ia big impact on the...,
What happens when
26  cards
P1 Bio-fuels and Non-renewables (page 176)
What are bio fuels,
Are bio fuels carbon neutral,
Are bio fuels reliable and why
24  cards
P1 Trends in Energy Resource Use (page 177)
Why is it over time the types of ...,
At the moment 2023 what energy fu...,
Over the 20th centure why has the...
18  cards

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p1 energy

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