This class was created by Brainscape user Tayyiba Ahmed. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

enerygy stores and systems
What happens to energy,
How is energy transfered,
What happens when energy is trans...
9  cards
kinetic and potential enerygy store
What requires work,
What does the amount of energy st...,
How do you find the change in ene...
6  cards
specific heat capacity
What is specific heat capacity,
What happens to minerals that gai...,
How do you calculate change in th...
4  cards
conservation of energy and power
What is the conservation of energy,
What happened when energy is tran...,
What is dissipated energy
10  cards
reducing unwanted energy transfers
What does lubrication reduce,
What happens when something moves,
What happens wehn frictional forc...
11  cards
Why are useful devices useful for,
What happens the less energy is w...,
How can you improve the efficienc...
6  cards
energy resources and their uses
What are the 3 main fossil fuels,
What are examples of non renewabl...,
What does renewable energy mean
6  cards
wind and solar power
What does each turbine have insid...,
What do the rotating blades in tu...,
Is there pollution with turbines
10  cards
geothermal and hydro-electric power
What is geothermal and hydro elec...,
Where does geothermal power use e...,
Geothermal power gets its energy ...
10  cards
wave power and tidal barrages
0  cards
bio fuels
0  cards
conduction and convection
Where does conduction mainly occur,
What id conduction,
How is energy transferred to an o...
9  cards
non renewable resources
0  cards
trends in energy resource use
0  cards

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