This class was created by Brainscape user Danielle Corral. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Myopia OT #12
Where are light rays focused in m...,
How does a minus lens work in reg...,
What are possible effects of a hi...
59  cards
Hyperfocal Distance Refraction
What is depth of field,
What is depth of focus,
What is hyperfocal distance
11  cards
Stenopaic Slit
What is the stenopaic slit what i...,
How is the stenopaic slit used,
What gives the patient the best v...
15821  cards
Contrast Sensitivity
What does visual acuity test in r...,
What is weber function,
What is michelson contrast
20  cards
Subjective Refraction
Why perform a subjective refracton,
What happens where the horizontal...
64  cards
Why is keratometry important,
Where is the power in 4200 m 45 4...,
What is the aim of keratometry
38  cards
Visual Resolution
What is the snellen fraction,
What does va 20 40 mean,
What is recognition acuity
42  cards
Refractive Error
How much of the usa population is...,
How much of the population has at...,
By 2050 how much of the world s p...
40  cards
When do you see with movement,
When do you see against movement,
When will you see a neutral reflex
8  cards
How does accommodation occur,
What happens when the ciliary mus...,
What are the changes that occur i...
17  cards
Cycloplegic Refraction
What are cycloplegic drugs,
What is scopoalamine also used for
18  cards
Stenopaic Slit 2
What are the standard subjective ...,
What are the binocular subjective...,
What is the procedure what can it...
7  cards
NV Syndromes, Prescribing Prism
What is convergence insuffiency a...,
What is divergence insuffiency at...,
What is convergence excess at dis...
20  cards

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