This class was created by Brainscape user S P. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: S P

Decks in this class (15)

Dental ages (revision)
Know the times of tooth developme...,
Additional eruption summary,
Summarise dental age 6
9  cards
Common eruption problems and management
What is the order of eruption for...,
State which teeth erupt for denta...,
Why ma
56  cards
Space Maintenance in transition from primary to permanent dentition
The two ways of managing early lo...,
Which deciduous teeth should you ...,
What does the opg show
40  cards
Biomechanics of Orthodontic Tooth Movement
What are the 3 phases of physiolo...,
How does the relationship between...,
What is biomechanics in context o...
21  cards
Removable appliances
What are the reasons for decline ...,
What are the advantages of ras,
What are the disadvantages of ras
52  cards
URA Design + Intro to Fixed appliances
2 most common situations for use ...,
What is the first appliance made ...,
What is edward angle s pin and tu...
20  cards
Why is angles not enough to deter...,
What is a cephalostat what is a p...,
T f increased magnification of fi...
20  cards
S2 - Relapse and Retention
Define relapse and retention,
Current evident re retention,
2 types of gingiva and characteri...
38  cards
S2 - Iatrogenic effects of orthodontic tx
What is isnt a benefit of orthodo...,
What are,
What is a known benefit of orthod...
25  cards
MS2 - Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Briefly what are the 5 stages of ...,
In general approximately how much...,
What are some sleep disorders tha...
26  cards
S2 - Clear Aligner
What can cause huge issues if fai...,
Principles of orthodontic treatme...
24  cards
MS2 - Orthodontic Referrals
Learning objectives,
In general what should be conduct...,
What are some aspect of the medic...
29  cards
S2 - Craniofacial Malformations & Cleft Lip and Palate
What are the different stages of ...,
What are some examples of teratog...,
Name neural crest problems
39  cards
S2 - Obstructive sleep apnoea
Describe sleep cycles,
Prevalence of osa how does age af...,
What are the sleep disorders inso...
34  cards
Year 3
Problems w each malocclusion,
What age is thumb sucking tongue ...,
Appliances for thumb sucking
12  cards

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