This class was created by Brainscape user Tori Bone. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

The Diagnostic Process/Algorithm
Describe the diagnostic process,
Gathering information,
Analyzing information
28  cards
Soft Tissue Description
List the categories of how you wo...,
List the colors of soft tissue,
How would you describe the border...
32  cards
White Lesions
Why does an oral lesion look white,
Describe features of edema and th...,
Describe features of extrinsic co...
17  cards
Premalignant White/Red Lesions
Nicotinic stomstitis,
Premalignant precancerous condition,
Describe normal oral mucosa histoloy
47  cards
Malignant White/Red Lesions
List the white red oral malignancies,
Why does the term oral cancer gen...,
List other primary oral cancers
36  cards
Blue, Brown, Gray and Black Lesions
List the developmental lesions,
List the injury lesions,
List the neoplastic lesions
15  cards
Papillary Growths
List the infectious neoplastic gr...,
List the infectious growths,
List the injury growths
15  cards
Soft Tissue Masses Part 1
Describe epithelial tissue of origin,
Describe mesenchymal tissue of or...,
Fibroma category etiology demogra...
18  cards
Soft Tissue Masses Part 2
Granular cell tumor category etio...,
Lipoma category etiology demograp...,
Hemangioma category etiology demo...
25  cards
Soft Tissue Masses Part 3
Fordyce granules category etiolog...,
Varix varicosities category etiol...,
Gingival cyst of the adult catego...
8  cards
Acute and Chronic Ulcerative Lesions Part 1
Anesthetic necrosis category etio...,
Necrotizing sialometaplasia categ...,
Primary herpetic gingivostomatiti...
12  cards
Acute and Chronic Ulcerative Lesions Part 2
Aphthous stomatitis category etio...,
List the types of aphthous stomat...,
List the reported causes of aphth...
16  cards
Radiolucencies Part 1
List the bone radiographic descri...,
Periapical granuloma cyst,
How does a periapical cyst granul...
24  cards
Radiolucencies Part 2
Odontogenic tumors are derived fr...,
List the tumor classifications of...,
25  cards
Where are palatal torus located,
Where are mand torus located,
Where are exostoses located
12  cards
Mixed and Radiolucent or Mixed
Mixed lesions always have ro and ...,
List the odontogenic mixed lesion...,
43  cards
Syndromes and Other Rare Diseases
Special dental considerations,
Dolichocephaly scaphocephaly
11  cards

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oral path

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