oral diseases and microbiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Elli Kirkpatrick. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

What colour does gram positive ba...,
What colour does gram negative ba...,
What shape is cocci bacteria
25  cards
Acute Pyogenic Infections
How does an infection spread to t...,
What is an endogenous infection i...,
What is the ideal specimen of a d...
9  cards
Severe Odontogenic Infections & Sepsis
What is ludwig s angina,
What are the most common bacteria...,
What bacteria are found in severe...
6  cards
Antimicrobial Resistance and Stewardship
What is antimicrobial stewardship
1  cards
Oral Candidosis
What are the different types of o...,
What does pseduomembranous candid...,
What is erythematous candidosis
4  cards
Oral Virology
List 4 characteristics of viruses,
What is serology
3  cards
Human Herpes Virus Infections
Give 4 methods of identifying org...,
What are the common features of h...,
What is the prevention and treatm...
4  cards
Virulence Factors
What are the virulence factors fo...,
What are the virulence factors fo...,
What are the virulence factors of...
3  cards
What are the stages of swallowing,
What is ingestion,
What is stage 1 transport
6  cards
How does acyclovir work,
What is acyclovir,
What are the uses of acyclovir
4  cards
What type of epithelium is the pa...,
What type of epithelium is the cheek,
What is acanthosis
36  cards
Pathology of Salivary Gland Tumours
What causes changes in gland size,
What are the diagnosis techniques...,
What is immunohistochemistry
6  cards

More about
oral diseases and microbiology

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