operation grade 9

This class was created by Brainscape user GillyWeed 68. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

biology paper 1
What are all living cells made off,
What 2 things can an organism be,
What cells are eukaryotic
196  cards
physics paper 1
In 1897 what did j j thomson disc...,
Due to j j thomson discovering th...,
Whose model is most like our mode...
186  cards
Chemistry paper 1
What does s stand for,
What does l stand for,
What does g stand for
175  cards
physics equations
What is the equation for distance...,
What is the equation for accelera...,
What is the equation for force
20  cards
history Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939
How many german troops fought in ...,
How many german troops died in th...,
How many german troops were injur...
76  cards
food and nutrition
What is a gm crop,
What are benefits of gm crops,
Why are people opposed to gm crops
163  cards
Geography - Living Worlds (TRF , Ecosystems and Deserts)
Describe the distribution of trf ...,
Describe the climate of a trf,
What is a biome
23  cards
English quotes (small explosion)
In inspectors calls what does the...,
In inspectors calls what does the...,
In inspectors calls what does the...
17  cards
chemistry equations
What is the equation for moles,
What is avorgodas constant,
What is the equation for percenta...
5  cards
Chemistry paper 2
How many electrons are in the out...,
What happens when you add chlorin...,
What happens when you add chlorin...
68  cards
Biology paper 2
What is the balanced equation for...,
Word equation for photosynthesis,
How do you test for how light can...
96  cards
Blitz and Warfare through time
Give three reasons why london was...,
How much were families paid for t...,
By the 31st of march 1940 what pe...
108  cards
Power and Conflict
Summarise what the poem ozymandia...,
What does the quote a shatter d v...,
What quotes can be used to highli...
4  cards

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operation grade 9

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