ofm standard incident reporting

This class was created by Brainscape user Jessica Zehr. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

What is Occurrence Reporting
What is the primary purpose of oc...,
According to nfpa 901 why is the ...,
What is emphasized in the guiding...
5  cards
What Is An Occurence
What is an occurrence according t...,
Which of the following is not inc...,
What is the purpose of separating...
4  cards
1.3 - 1.6
How are all fire and non fire occ...,
How many reports are typically re...,
Who is responsible for completing...
8  cards
1.7 -1.10
What happens if incomplete or inc...,
How does the ofm ensure the accur...,
When does the ofm send out all ca...
5  cards
2.0 The Standard Incident Report
What is the purpose of ensuring t...,
Which section of the standard inc...,
When is section b fires explosion...
5  cards
2.2 Exposure Fires
What is an exposure fire accordin...,
How many reports are required for...,
In the case of exposure fires wha...
5  cards
2.3 All Occurrences
What is the purpose of completing...,
When must section a and section d...,
What is the purpose of the fire d...
25  cards
2.4 All Fires Or Explosions
When should the application of ag...,
How should the time be reported i...,
What is required in the under con...
43  cards
2.5 All Structure Fires Or Explosions
How was the fire first detected b...,
What is the full extent of the fi...,
What is the full extent of the sm...
19  cards
3.0 The Injury Report
What is the purpose of numbering ...,
How should the status of the inju...,
How should gender be reported a u...
7  cards
3.2-3.3 Civilian
What is considered a civilian fir...,
Which of the following is conside...,
What is excluded from reportable ...
5  cards
3.4-3.5 Fire Fighter Action
What is considered a fire fighter...,
Which of the following is conside...,
How long after the incident must ...
4  cards
Appendix A
What legislative mandate governs ...,
What is the duty of the fire mars...,
Who are assistants to the fire ma...
5  cards

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ofm standard incident reporting

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