This class was created by Brainscape user Abby Shiers. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Newborn Assessment and Care
8 priority needs of the newborn,
Production of fetal lung fluid __...,
___ to ___ml fetal lung fluid rem...
117  cards
Post Partum Assessment and Care
5 main physiologic events followi...,
How long does uterus involution take,
How long until ovarian function a...
101  cards
Comfort and Labour Support
5 effects of rn as labour support,
Registered midwives
32  cards
Assessment and Care in Labour
What 3 things should a pregnant p...,
Compare the timing of the assessm...,
What does glucose in the urine of...
51  cards
Factors Affecting L&D
Four pelvis types and most ideal,
Passenger refers to
37  cards
Healthy Pregnancy and Assessment of Pregnant Client
82  cards
Induction, Augmentation and Dystocia
Define induction,
Define augmentation,
Define cervical ripening
64  cards
Health Complications in Pregnancy
Cause of hypertensive disorders o...,
Risk factors for gestational htn,
Chronic hypertension
128  cards
Preterm Labor and Bleeding
What is the leading cause of mort...,
Why are the rates of preterm labo...,
Most common indicator of preterm ...
90  cards
Complications in Post Partum
Hemorrhage occurs in ____ of all ...,
What is the leading cause of mate...,
National and global maternal mort...
66  cards
Newborn at Risk
7 common complications of newborns,
Survival rates on newborns double...,
Having one ptb increases your ris...
84  cards
Obs Emergencies, IPV, Perinatal Loss
Gbv and ipv rates _______ during ...,
___ of women 16 reported at least...,
25 of women had been abused by th...
67  cards

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