This class was created by Brainscape user Arden Pappot. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Lecture 1
What is the modern goal of unders...,
What are essential nutrients,
What are the two rules to determi...
37  cards
Lecture 2
What is food analysis,
Why is food analysis important,
What are the six components to pr...
33  cards
Lecture 3
What are the three types of diges...,
What are the 7 parts of the gi tract,
What is solubility
38  cards
Lecture 4
What is atp,
What is a calorie,
What is the conversion of a chemi...
41  cards
Lecture 5
What are carbohydrates divided into,
What are simple carbs divided into,
What are some characteristics of ...
51  cards
Lecture 6
What are the six processes that i...,
What are the three fates of gluco...,
Where does glycogenesis occur in ...
42  cards
Lecture 7
What are some characteristics of ...,
What are the functions of lipids,
What are the two types of fatty a...
37  cards
Lecture 8
What is lipoprotein classificatio...,
What are the 5 lipoproteins,
What are some characteristics of ...
46  cards
Lecture 9 - Protein Metabolism
What are three functions of proteins,
What do we need from protein,
How many proteinogenic aa are the...
47  cards
Lecture 10 - Proteins part 2
What are the four places that pro...,
How does protein digestion occur ...,
How does protein digestion occur ...
49  cards
Lecture 11 - Proteins part 3
Is there a constant turnover betw...,
What happens to aa during protein...,
What are the reactions of protein...
51  cards
Lecture 12 - metabolic integration part 1
Metabolic integration of protein,
What must metabolic maintain,
Where is blood glucose required i...
30  cards
Lecture 13 - metabolic integration part 2
What are the levels of blood gluc...,
What is the composition of urea a...,
How long does the fed state last
14  cards
Lecture 14 - micronutrients part 1
What is group i,
What is group ii,
What is group iii
177  cards
Lecture 15 - micronutrients part 2
What is a redox reaction,
What are the primary electron car...,
What is reduction
64  cards
Lecture 16 - micronutrients part 3
What are some dietary sources of ...,
What is another word for niacin,
In plant foods how is vit b3 or n...
150  cards
Lecture 17 - micronutrients part 4
What foods is iron found in,
What are the two forms that iron ...,
What are the two states that iron...
6  cards

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nutr 3210

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