This class was created by Brainscape user Ajok Deng Derry. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Week 1: Life Transitions Our Older Adults (Interpersonal/ Intrapersonal Needs)
Standard i relational care,
Standard ii ethical care,
Standard iii evidence informed care
14  cards
Week 2: Psychosocial Need - Cognitive Impairment
Cognitive function,
Cognitive impairment
47  cards
Week 3&4: Older Adult and Biophysical Needs Food and Fluid
Why is it important to have food ...,
How does income interconnect with...,
Older adults and income
41  cards
Week 5: Health Challenges Older Adult and Biophysical Needs (Elimination)
Why is it hard to ask for assista...,
What happens to hr and bp when de...
17  cards
Week 6 - Theoretical perspective on aging—physiological and psychological changes
What does gerontology mean,
Who is included in gerontology,
What is gerontological nursing
52  cards
Week 7: Health Challenges Older Adult and Biophysical Needs (Ventilation) Cardiovascular Focus
By the age of 80 what happens to ...
4  cards
Week 8: Health Challenges Older Adult and Biophysical Needs (Ventilation)�Pulmonary Focus
What does watson share about the ...,
What are the most relevant age re...,
Are respiratory problems usually ...
6  cards
Week 9: Activity/Inactivity & Sexuality, Creativity, Intimacy and Loving
Epworth sleepiness scale,
What should be the limit on day t...,
What should be avoided before bed
5  cards
Week 10: Life Transitions - Changes, Challenges and End of Life Care,Palliative Care & Spirituality
Worden model grieving process,
Loss response model,
What factors influencing the grie...
25  cards
Week 11: Sensory Changes
What do we as nurses need to unde...,
What do individuals need regardin...,
Are sensory changes a normal deto...
11  cards
Week 12: Geropharmacology
What percentage of individuals ta...,
How does the number of adverse dr...,
20  cards

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nurs 1700u

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