This class was created by Brainscape user Abbey Kowalski. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

Exam 1: Conceptual Framework
What are the three main factors o...,
What is reflective practice,
Person first language
5  cards
Exam 1: Aging Part 1
6 guiding principles from apta,
What are musculoskeletal consider...,
What are cardio pulmonary conside...
92  cards
Exam 1: Aging Part 2
What are the six essential compet...,
Describe the acute care setting,
What is the main responsibility o...
53  cards
Exam 1: STOM
What is intrarater reliability,
What is interrater reliabilty,
What does mcid stand for
84  cards
Exam 1: Synergies (Lab)
What is a synergy,
What is the dominant synergy,
What is the non dominant synergy
18  cards
Exam 1: Examination (Lab)
What components should you consid...,
How would you assess bed mobility,
What should you consider when ass...
69  cards
Exam 2: BPPV Lecture
What are the 5 structures in the ...,
What type of acceleration do the ...,
What are sccs filled with
75  cards
Exam 2: Vestibular Examination
What are the four main vestibular...,
What is the definition of vor,
What direction do the eyes and he...
128  cards
Exam 2: Vestibular Intervention
What are the five main interventi...,
How would you treat a posterior c...,
How would you treat a posterior c...
39  cards
Exam 2: Concussion
What are the 4 diagnostic criteri...,
What diagnostic imaging will show...,
What percentage of concussions ar...
60  cards
Exam 3: PNF
What does pnf stand for,
Describe what the term propriocep...,
Describe what the term neuromuscu...
82  cards
Exam 3: Stroke Impairments
What percentage of stroke patient...,
Are ue or le more likely effected,
20 of individuals with what type ...
85  cards
Exam 3: Stroke Examination
Is it necessary to test reflexes ...,
What are the three prognostic ind...,
What shoulder motions are likely ...
28  cards
Exam 3: Stroke Intervention
What are the four facilitation mo...,
What are the two task oriented mo...,
What theory is brunnstrom s movem...
100  cards
Exam 3: Motor Relearning Program
What is mrp,
What pt population was mrp origin...,
What style of approach is mrp
35  cards
Final: Assistive Tech Pt 1
What are the components of the ha...,
According to the haat model what ...,
According to the haat model what ...
35  cards
Final: TBI Pt 1
When is tbi rehab started,
What two conditions allow for tbi...,
What value is considered normal i...
76  cards
Final: TBI Pt 2
What levels are consider to be co...,
What is the name for ranchos level v,
Describe the confused inappropria...
72  cards
Final: High Intensity Gait
What dependent measures are inclu...,
What population was included when...,
What three diagnoses were include...
17  cards
Final: Parkinson's Impairments
What are the 4 cardinal motor sym...,
What is a tremor,
What are the 3 characteristics of...
62  cards
Final: Parkinson's Examination
What should be included in your o...,
What characteristics of a tremor ...,
What test is highly recommended t...
51  cards
Final: Parkinson's Intervention
The poc is variable based on what...,
What does the current evidence su...,
What are the effects of aerobic e...
28  cards
Final: Assistive Tech Pt 2
What is dme,
What is crt,
What do you need to identify when...
30  cards
Final: Assistive Tech Pt 3
What part of the wheelchair is la...,
What part of the wheelchair is la...,
What part of the wheelchair is la...
51  cards
Final: MS
What are the 10 main clinical man...,
What is another terms for heat in...,
What are three common motor impai...
73  cards
Final: ALS
What does als stand for,
What does amyotrophy mean,
What does lateral relate to with als
78  cards
Final: Other Diseases
0  cards

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nmr ii

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