nf0607: physics for engineers 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Amira Montalto. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Circular Motion
What is uniform circular motion,
In uniform circular motion what i...,
What happens when the central for...
22  cards
Simple Harmonic Motion
What is simple harmonic motion,
What is the equation for accelera...,
Describe the acceleration of a bo...
17  cards
Gravitational Field
What is gravity,
What are the attributes of a grav...,
What is newton s law of gravitati...
13  cards
Electric Field
What is coloumbs law what is the ...
1  cards
What is a capacitor,
How can capacitance be calculated,
How is the energy stored in a cap...
9  cards
What is uniform circular motion,
How is the speed of a point on th...,
What is the conversion from rad t...
25  cards
Chapter 18: Simple Harmonic Motion
What is the equilibrium position ...,
What is oscillatory motion give e...,
What happens to the displacement ...
51  cards
Chapter 21 Gravitational Fields
What is a gravitational field,
What is a field line,
What is the strength of the gravi...
27  cards
Chapter 22 Electric Fields
What is the relationship between ...,
What is the charge of electrons n...,
Describe how to change the charge...
34  cards
Chapter 23 Capacitors
What is a capacitor,
What happens when a capacitor is ...,
What is the capacitance of a capa...
28  cards
Chapter 19: Thermal Physics
What are the conditions for energ...,
What is internal energy,
What is thermal energy
30  cards
Chapter 20: Gases
What is the pressure of a gas,
What does boyle s law state,
What does charles law state
4  cards

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nf0607: physics for engineers 2

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