new clinical genetics (4. painos)

This class was created by Brainscape user Elice H. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

01 What can we learn from family history?
Kystinen fibroosi cystic fibrosis...,
Gower s maneuver,
Monogeenisen ominaisuuden periyty...
11  cards
02 How can patient's chromosomes be studied?
Materiaaleja joista voi tehda kro...,
Autosomaaliset trisomiat,
Autosomaaliset monosomiat
9  cards
03 How do genes work?
5 ja 3 paiden olemassaolon erilai...,
Mita kollageeni on,
Mitokondrion ominaispiirteita
5  cards
04 How can a patient's DNA be studied?
Genomin tietyn alueen tutkimukses...,
Kaksi erilaista strategiaa kun te...,
Southern blot on vaativa tekniikk...
8  cards
05 How can we check a patient's DNA for gene mutations?
Metodeja spesifin sekvenssimuutok...,
Mika ero on ngs menetelmilla vanh...,
3  cards
06 What do mutations do?
Miten mutaatioita voidaan luokite...,
Ovatko kaikki duplikaatiot tai de...,
Mita on annosspesifiys dosage sen...
9  cards
07 Is cancer genetic?
Miten varhaiset mutaatiot lisaava...,
Milla kolmella eri tasolla nahdaa...,
Mita telomeraasi tekee
5  cards
08 How do researchers identify genes for mendelian diseases?
1  cards
09 Why are some conditions common and others rare?
Miksi resessiivinen tautialleeli ...,
2  cards
10 How do genes affect our metabolism, drug responses and immune system?
Mita lymfosyytteja on,
2  cards
11 How are genes regulated?
Mitka seuraukset on x inaktivaati...,
Poistetaanko parentaalisia leimoj...,
Mika aiheuttaa sen etta turner sy...
5  cards
12 When is screening useful?
Mita on cascade screening0,
2  cards
13 Should we be testing for genetic susceptibility to common diseases?
1  cards
14 What clinical services are available for families with genetic disorders?
1  cards

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new clinical genetics (4. painos)

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