This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Protheroe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Brain Organisation
What is cognition,
What do cognitive psychologists s...,
What is neuropsychology
64  cards
Methods of Assessing Function and Dysfunction
What are the three main types of ...,
What does anatomical assessment t...,
Name four examples of structural ...
20  cards
Neurological Diseases and Disorders
What is cerebrovascular disease,
What are the two causes types of ...,
Which is more common ischemic str...
32  cards
Motor Control
Describe a basic reflexive movement,
Describe a basic spinal reflex us...,
What do motor tracts do
22  cards
Neurodegenerative Diseases
What does healthy aging of the br...,
What does the term atrophy mean,
What does the term neurodegenerat...
60  cards
Visual System Disorders
Fill the gaps normal vision invol...,
What is the white of the eye called,
What is the coloured part of the ...
59  cards
Memory Organisation
How are memories represented at a...,
How are learning and memory related,
What is a memory impairment called
11  cards
Working Memory
What is working memory,
Who is working memory different t...,
What is working memory important for
11  cards
Frontal Lobe Function
What are two results of lesions t...,
What are two results of lesions t...,
What two degenerative diseases ar...
13  cards
Visual Attention
What is smooth pursuit,
What is the attentional spotlight,
What is the attentional limitatio...
8  cards
Attentional Disorders
Is attention primarily associated...,
Which lobe of the brain did we co...,
What attentional disorder would y...
34  cards
Visual Perception
What can influence perception,
What illusion demonstrates how at...,
What is an example of how stimulu...
4  cards
Executive Functioning
What are executive functions,
What are some examples of executi...,
What is inhibitory control
28  cards
Executive Function Interventions
What non invasive therapeutic int...,
What did we find out in regards t...,
What did we find out in regards t...
12  cards
The Neuropsychological Organisation of Language
What is language,
How do we know that language is p...,
The left carotid artery supplies
30  cards

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Emily Protheroe's Neuropsychology flashcards for their University of Otago class now!

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