neuropsychiatric disorders

This class was created by Brainscape user Jessica Tingle. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Bedside Cognitive Tests
What are cognitive tests trying t...,
What s the use of cognitive testing,
What social factors are important...
17  cards
Neuropsychological Assessment
Why conduct a neuropsychological ...,
What are the limitations of the s...,
What type of scan would be useful...
15  cards
Psychiatric Assessment
What are the elements of the ment...,
Overfamiliarity may be a sign of ...,
What are the elements of speech
15  cards
Epilepsy - Diagnosis, Classification, Aetiology
What are the criteria for epilepsy,
What proportion of people have a ...,
What is the most common feature o...
39  cards
Neurological Management Of Epilepsy
What is sparse coding,
How does epilepsy differ from spa...,
What s the prevalence of epilepsy
27  cards
Psychiatric Manifestations Of Epilepsy
What is proportion of people with...,
What are the most common psychiat...,
What is the prevalence of adhd co...
29  cards
Dissociative Seizures
What are differential diagnoses o...,
How does icd 11 categorise dissoc...,
What percentage of people with ds...
24  cards
Brain Injury
What types of acquired brain inju...,
What are the main pathological se...,
What is the vascular source of su...
54  cards
Intellectual Disability
What do microarrays identify,
What neurodevelopmental disorders...,
Vcfs locus deletion is implicated...
10  cards
Autism Spectrum Disorders
What are some abnormalities in re...,
What are qualitative abnormalitie...,
What repetitive behaviours are se...
6  cards
Neuropsychiatry Of Encephalitis
What are the main groups of encep...,
What cells produce antibodies,
What are examples of immune media...
36  cards
Multiple Sclerosis
What differences may you see amon...,
What are the two types of ms onsets,
What might be differentials for ms
48  cards
Dissociative Identity Disorder
What is the prevalence of did,
How is did characterised,
What are the two types of identit...
10  cards
What are criteria for interictal ...,
What is the change in dynamic in ...,
What is the sensitivity of eeg fo...
12  cards
What is stroke,
Rate of depression after stroke,
Rate of disability after stroke
6  cards

More about
neuropsychiatric disorders

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