This class was created by Brainscape user James Horrocks. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Parkinson's Pharmacology
What is the first line tx in park...,
Why is carbidopa given with levodopa,
What are some of the adverse effects
22  cards
What are some sub types of mnd,
What neurons are degenerated in mnd,
How does mnd present and where
14  cards
Random neuro stuff to remember
Patient with vision worse looking...,
What are indications of a more si...,
When should each of the following...
5  cards
Intracranial Haemorrhages
How can intracranial haemorrhages...,
What is an extra axial haemorrhage,
What is an intra axial haemorrhage
27  cards
Myasthenia Gravis
What is myasthenia gravis,
When does myasthenia gravis typic...,
What tumour has mg got a link with
15  cards
Pain + Analgesia
MLA Content Y3
23  cards
Disorders of the PNS
Peripheral nerve compartments, Mononeuritis multiplex, Facial Nerve palsy, Hereditary sensory motor neuropathy, Guillain-Barré syndrome
49  cards
Neurodegenerative disorders
MLA Content Y3
75  cards
Depression Drugs
What scoring system is used in de...,
What phq 9 score is indicative of...,
What is the first line tx for dep...
31  cards
Bipolar Medications
What is the aim of treatment in b...,
What is the,
What is the most commonly used dr...
17  cards
Spinal Diseases
What are some causes of lower bac...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What causes mechanical back pain
39  cards
Seizures, Encephalitis, Migraine, Raised ICP
What is status epilepticus,
How is status epilepticus treated,
In status epilepticus if two bolu...
35  cards
What are the different types of s...,
What is the urgent management of ...,
What is the ischaemic penumbra
15  cards

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