This class was created by Brainscape user Taylor Tvede. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Neuromuscular Blockers
What are neuromuscular blockers,
What type of receptors does ach a...,
What removes ach from the synapti...
13  cards
What has a greater affinity for h...,
Strychnine is what type of agent,
Barbituates and ivermectin are wh...
30  cards
Spinal Localization
What is the vertebral anatomy of ...,
Which vertebrae are fused in dogs...,
What are spinal cord nerve segmen...
40  cards
What are clinical signs of ivdd,
Which breeds are predisposed to h...,
Acute painful emergency form of ivdd
42  cards
CSF Interpretation
Where is csf produced,
How many choroid plexuses are there,
What drains csf
25  cards
How do you treat an active epilep...,
Occurs in 1 5yo animals and cause...,
Where do seizures originate
31  cards
Autonomous Nervous System Basics
What is the major component of th...,
What are the two opposing systems...,
Where do sympathetic pre ganglion...
27  cards
Innervation of the Urinary System
How does information get from the...,
Stretch in the urethra is transmi...,
Which nerve controls the external...
29  cards
Cranial Nerve Exam and Diseases
Which nerve in cn 1,
Which nerve is cn 2,
Which nerve is cn 3
67  cards
Vestibular Disease
Where is the vestibular apparatus...,
What comprises the vestibular app...,
Which cn provides vestibular neurons
59  cards
Misc Neuro Diseases in Small Animals
How do you ddx listeria from hist...,
Goats and cattle fed silage are p...,
Why does listeria like spoiled si...
51  cards
Misc Neuro Diseases in Horses
This is usually caused from layin...,
Which nerve is susceptible to dam...,
What are clinical signs of radial...
61  cards
Equine Cervical Vertebral Malformation
Which breeds are more commonly af...,
What is a consistent pathologic f...,
What age of horses is typically a...
17  cards
Nerve Blocks in Horses
What is the block location for a ...,
What areas are desensitized by a ...,
What joint is blocked with a palm...
22  cards
Neuro Disease of Pigs
Occurs in newborn piglets when th...,
What are clinical signs of hypogl...,
How do you dx pig hypoglycemia
25  cards
Polioencephalomalacia in Small Ruminants
What is the main cause of polioen...,
What feed predisposes a ruminant ...,
What are clinical signs of acute ...
10  cards
Where do you inject positive cont...,
Where does csf live in the spinal...,
What is the max concentration of ...
17  cards
Bovine Peripheral Nervous System Diseases
Calving paralysis affects which n...,
Which muscles does the obturator ...,
When is obturator nerve damage mo...
11  cards
Otitis Media-Interna
What are the borders of the inner...,
What are the ossicles in the midd...,
Which ossicle transmits sound
16  cards

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