This class was created by Brainscape user Holly Soetaert. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

#1: Intro Lecture
What are the three overlapping di...,
What is neurology,
What is psychiatry
22  cards
#2: Neuroanatomy
Why should we study neuroanatomy,
What is the pathway of informatio...,
What is it called when the brain ...
19  cards
#3 Clinical Methods/ Techniques for Studying the Human Brain
What is involved in a physical exam,
Why is the cranial nerve exam
27  cards
#4 Embryology
What does the study of embryology...,
What are the three ways we learn ...,
What are the three main divisions...
20  cards
#5 Neurodevelopmental Genetics
Who are the 5 people who contribu...,
What were the contributions made ...,
What were the contributions of av...
26  cards
#6 Cells of the CNS
What are neurons what is their ro...,
What are the four types of glia,
What happens to glia during disea...
21  cards
#7 Parkinsons Disease
What is the difference between hy...,
What are the two pathways in the ...,
What is the role of the basal gan...
21  cards
#8 Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders
What is chorea,
What are the three choreaform dis...,
Having a stroke in which pathway ...
22  cards
#9 Stroke
What is a stroke what method of b...,
What is the difference in stroke ...,
What is an ischemic stroke
25  cards
#10 Pain: A Neurobiological Perspective
What is pain,
What is nociceptive pain,
What is pathological pain
22  cards
#11 Neurological Infections
What are three major concerns reg...,
What are 4 things that are essent...,
What are the 6 neurological infec...
28  cards
#12 Autism
What is autism,
What are the two different perspe...
25  cards
#13 Intellectual Disability
What are the two components of in...,
What does intellectual disability...,
What is the traditional view of n...
24  cards
#14 Sleep and Sleep Disorders
What are the five types of clinic...,
How are eegs used in relation to ...,
What are the three basic states o...
27  cards
#15 Cell Death
What are the primary cells of the...,
What is appropriate cell death,
What is inappropriate cell death
20  cards
L16 Dementia
What is the official definition o...,
How do we approach and evaluate s...,
What are the two bedside tests th...
32  cards
L17 Seizures and Epilepsy
What is a seizure what is the maj...,
What is the definition of a seizu...,
What is involved in a generalized...
32  cards
L18 Spinal Cord Injury
What happens to your function whe...,
Where do the motor and sensory in...,
What is contained within the asce...
24  cards
L19: Headache
What is a headache,
Why does the head hurt,
What is the ichd version 3 classi...
22  cards
L20: Epilepsy Surgery
What is epilepsy,
How many seizures are uncontrolle...
27  cards
L21 Multiple Sclerosis
What is one factor that contribut...,
What are four different effects i...,
What does the age distribution of...
26  cards
L22: Neurobiology of Addiction
What is addiction 3 main characte...,
What type of disease is addiction,
22  cards
L23: Intro to Psychiatry
What is a psychiatrist,
How does the dsm 5 define a menta...,
What is an important part of the ...
30  cards
L24: Schizophrenia
Who are the two people involved i...,
What is the dsm 5 criteria for sc...,
What are hallucinations
20  cards

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neuro 210

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