network fundamentals

This class was created by Brainscape user Andrew McCants. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Module 1
0  cards
Barney is the owner of venture ca...,
Which of the following protocols ...,
As a network engineer for orior t...
38  cards
The university of oklahoma has hi...,
You are running the netstat comma...,
You have successfully followed th...
39  cards
Ch 5 short
Monica a network engineer at j k ...,
An internet service provider has ...,
Netcom solutions is an internet s...
18  cards
Ch 6
As a network administrator you wa...,
What is the frequency range for b...,
Which of the following versions o...
40  cards
Ch 7
Basil telecommunications have hir...,
James has been appointed as the s...,
As a network administrator of you...
40  cards
Ch 8
Rodri has been contracted by an i...,
You as a network administrator ar...,
Which of the following is a valid...
39  cards
Ch 2
0  cards
Ch 3
0  cards
module 2
When you re configuring your grub...,
Which partition is used for virtu...,
Which command can be used to swit...
30  cards
module 3
You need to mount a usb flash dri...,
After adding a third 1tb solid st...,
Which command will provide you wi...
30  cards
ch3 alt
What is the secure port for https...,
The university of philadelphia wa...,
Joseph is the managing director o...
36  cards
ch 9
Smcs school has hired you to set ...,
As a network administrator a clie...,
You are employed as a network eng...
40  cards
ch 10
In which of the following phases ...,
Which of the following methods re...,
In which of the following forms o...
40  cards
ch 11
As a network analyst you want the...,
Which of the following refers to ...,
You as a network administrator wa...
40  cards
Ch 12
0  cards
final - 30 cards a day
Identify which of the following d...,
Suppose you notice a sudden decre...,
Which type of a recovery plan acc...
240  cards

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network fundamentals

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