This class was created by Brainscape user Ingo Budweg. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Classify and list and outline fac...,
What are the principles of nerve ...,
Discuss the types of nerve repair
82  cards
Peripheral Nerve Problems
Seddons classification pn 3,
49  cards
The Neurological Hand
Common diagnoses associated with ...,
Neurological hand spasticity,
Neurological hand pain
22  cards
Radial nerve compression
Define pin compression syndrome,
Epidemiology of pin compression s...,
Aetiology of pin compresison synd...
35  cards
Median Neuropathies
Define carpal tunnel syndrome,
Aetiology of carpal tunnel syndrome,
Epidemiology of cts
33  cards
Ulna Nerve neuropathies
Describe the anatomy course of th...,
Motor supply of ulna nerve,
Define cubital tunnel syndrome
20  cards
the paralysed hand
Before contemplating tendon trans...,
What is lost in radial nerve pals...,
What is lost in low ulnar nerve p...
6  cards
Peripheral Nerve Problems COPY
Seddons classification pn 3,
49  cards
The Neurological Hand COPY
Common diagnoses associated with ...,
Neurological hand spasticity,
Neurological hand pain
22  cards
Pain and Integrative Strategies
Crps type i,
Crps type ii
17  cards
the paralysed hand COPY
Before contemplating tendon trans...,
What is lost in radial nerve pals...,
What is lost in low ulnar nerve p...
6  cards
Upper Limb Nerve Injuries
Diagram of cutaneous nerve innerv...,
If the cell body of a neuron is i...,
Where are the cell bodies of moto...
42  cards
Nerve palsies in the limbs
Where can nerve palsies originate...,
What plexus supplies the upper limbs,
What plexus supplies the lower limbs
58  cards
Peripheral nerve injuries
What is a peripheral nerve,
What can cause nerve injuries,
What are classical conditions of ...
18  cards
Upper Limb Nerve Injuries COPY
Diagram of cutaneous nerve innerv...,
If the cell body of a neuron is i...,
Where are the cell bodies of moto...
42  cards
Compression neuropathy
Describe the pathophysiology of c...,
Describe the progression of clini...,
Define double crush and reverse d...
45  cards
Nerve Healing & Grafting
What determines the conduction ve...,
What are schwann cells,
Define the structural organizatio...
24  cards

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