nd ontario prescribing exam

This class was created by Brainscape user Frances Pierantoni. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Pharma Basics
Maoi tyramine rich foods,
Red flags by condition and drug i...,
Red flags by condition and drug i...
48  cards
Psychiatric Disorders
Drugs to relieve anxiety,
Drugs to encourage sleep,
An effective anxiolytic should
157  cards
Neurologic Disorders
What are the treatment goals in s...,
Choose the best definition of epi...,
Of the four types of generalized ...
156  cards
Eye Disorders
Mf is a 78 year old smoker who is...,
Red flags by condition and drug i...,
Red flags by condition and drug i...
4  cards
Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
What s the minimum hba1c target t...,
What medication can be prescribed...,
1 when should treatment be consid...
98  cards
Cardiovascular Disorders
When considering the use of pento...,
A patient with a myocardial infar...,
The most common side effect of ni...
65  cards
Respiratory Disorders
Which of the following is incorre...,
Which of the following is correct...,
Red flags by condition and drug i...
63  cards
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Which of the following are true s...,
Which is the best response regard...,
Red flags by condition and drug i...
16  cards
Genitourinary Disorders
Hb is a 73 year old patient with ...
1  cards
Sexual Health
Which of the following is true re...,
Which of the following is false i...,
All of the following are effectiv...
34  cards
Musculoskeletal Disorders
What would be the best choice for...,
Which of the following statements...,
When considering the treatment of...
14  cards
Skin Disorders
Which of the following statements...,
While tetracycline is an effectiv...,
Which of the following agents wou...
15  cards
Blood Disorders
Which statement about iron supple...
1  cards
Renal Disorders
0  cards
Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders
Drug induced edema,
Red flags by condition and drug i...,
Red flags by condition and drug i...
7  cards
Infectious Diseases
For the majority of cases the rec...,
Reasons for non adherence to tb m...,
Which of the following agents can...
47  cards
Cancer Chemotherapy Toxicity
0  cards
Palliative Care
0  cards
Course Basics
What are the percentages for side...,
What are the percentages for side...,
What s the perception of high ris...
100  cards
The Ontario Regulation
What s under the controlled acts ...,
Which nds in ontario can provide ...,
Where patients can access the dru...
110  cards
Practice Exam
When prescribing donepezil to tre...,
Which of the following drugs is n...,
Choose the correct statement abou...
169  cards
Immune System
Red flags by condition and drug i...,
Red flags by condition and drug i...
6  cards

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nd ontario prescribing exam

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