nazi germany 1933-39

This class was created by Brainscape user Hasan Anjum. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Setting up the Nazi dictatorship through the Reichstag Fire
What happened on february 27 1933...,
What was the fate of marinus van ...,
How did the reichstag fire contri...
3  cards
Enabling Act
What was the enabling act propose...,
How did hitler ensure the passage...,
What actions did hitler take afte...
3  cards
Night of the Long Knives
What was the primary reason behin...,
How did hitler address the issue ...,
What was the outcome of the night...
3  cards
The methods of Nazi control and the extent to which they were successful, including the police state, censorship and propaganda
4  cards
Nazi policies towards education, women, the young, the Churches and their impact
Life in nazi germany education,
Life in nazi germany youth movements,
Life in nazi germany women
4  cards
Nazi racial policies and increasing persecution of Jews
Nazi racial policy sterilization,
Nazi racial policy,
Increasing persecution of jews ap...
8  cards
Policies to reduce unemployment and their impact
Economic plans,
Reducing unemployment,
Invisible unemployment
4  cards
Nazi policies towards the Jews, including ghettos, death squads and the Final Solution
The final solution
1  cards
The Home Front, including changing role of women, ‘total war’, rationing and the effects of allied bombing
Total war,
Allied bombing
3  cards
The growth of opposition to Hitler, including the Edelweiss Pirates, the White Rose Group and the July Bomb Plot (1944)
The swing youth,
The edelweiss pirates during the war,
The white rose group
5  cards
Hitler’s death and the end of the Third Reich
End of the third reich
1  cards
Hitler as Führer
What significant event occurred o...,
What term did hitler use to refer...,
How did hitler ensure his absolut...
3  cards

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nazi germany 1933-39

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