national brokerage

This class was created by Brainscape user kelsey Eiseman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

unit 1
What actions demonstrate exercisi...,
What exception exists to the duty...,
An agent s fiduciary responsibili...
67  cards
What is the definition of a singl...,
How is subagency created,
How does a cooperating broker acc...
25  cards
unit 3
What is an important thing to rem...,
Describe an open listing,
What is the major difference betw...
41  cards
unit 4
What is the difference between a ...,
What is the difference between an...,
What are the five criteria of a v...
66  cards
Unit 5
What is the main difference betwe...,
What are the three common law cat...,
What are the conditions of the ir...
32  cards
Unit 6
Name and define the two forms of ...,
Explain the method used to write ...,
What is important to remember abo...
25  cards
unit 7
Why is it important to provide a ...,
What is the most common reason a ...,
Angie s home sold for 324 500 and...
26  cards
Unit 8
What forms can an earnest money d...,
What type of account must an escr...,
In most cases when must earnest m...
21  cards
unit 9
What happens at the title closing,
What is the most important docume...,
Define the term marketable title
49  cards
unit 10
What ethical standards guide real...,
Identify two duties to clients se...,
List two duties to the public set...
35  cards
To whom is a property manager res...,
What is the definition of a resid...,
What is the difference between a ...
32  cards
What are the subcategories of com...,
Define mixed use development,
What is included in recreational ...
23  cards
Final national brokerage exam
A licensee tells a neighborhood w...,
The brooks paid off property sold...,
Which of the following situations...
43  cards

More about
national brokerage

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