nat 5 chemistry - a.clarke

This class was created by Brainscape user Rachel Eadie. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Unit 1- Rate of reaction
State the factors that affect the...,
How to increase the rate of a che...,
How to decrease the rate of a che...
10  cards
Unit 1 - Atomic structure and bonding
Name the subatomic particles that...,
Describe subatomic particles in t...,
An atoms have a mass number of 25...
40  cards
Unit 1 - Formula and reaction quanitites
What is the formula for copper ii...,
What is the fomulat for disulphur...,
Formula for magnesium sulfate
16  cards
Unit 2 - Alcohols
What is the general formula for a...,
Name of the functional group on a...,
What are the uses of alcohols
14  cards
Unit 2 - Energy from fuels
What is the heat capacity of water,
Give the formula to calculate the...,
In the formula e cm t what is m w...
17  cards
Unit 2 - Hydrocarbons/Homologous series
What is a fuel,
What is fractional distillation,
What is combustion
31  cards
Unit 3 COPY
Name some properties and bonding ...,
Describe metallic bonding,
What are delocalised electrons
29  cards
What are the three elements in es...,
What happens when plants grow,
What do different plants require
11  cards
What does alpha radiation consist of,
What is alpha radiation attracted to,
What is alpha represented as
17  cards
Unit 2 - Carboxylic acids
What is the fonctional group of c...,
What is the general formula for c...,
Draw pentanoic acid
14  cards
Unit 3 - Metals
When metals react with water they...,
When metals react with an acid th...,
When a metal react with oxygen it...
21  cards

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nat 5 chemistry - a.clarke

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