my packs: (uwo) (kin 1080)

This class was created by Brainscape user Lucky Cat. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

Lecture 1
Define concussion,
What type of injury is a concussion,
What are neural cells
33  cards
Lecture 2
What was kinesiology known as pre...,
Define motor learning,
True or false motor learning is a...
12  cards
Lecture 3
What are the main divisions of th...,
What does the cns comprise of,
Describe the peripheral nervous s...
30  cards
Lecture 4
Name the 3 landmarks of the brain,
Describe the central sulcus,
What is anterior to the central s...
22  cards
Lecture 5
Describe temporal lobe,
Describe the function of temporal...,
Describe the differences between ...
18  cards
Lecture 6
Describe frontal lobe,
Define synaptic pruning,
Why is synaptic pruning done
39  cards
Lecture 7
Describe functions of brain stem,
What are the 2 important areas on...,
Where are the superior inferior c...
22  cards
Lecture 8
Who was wilder penfield,
What is the primary motor cortex ...,
What is the precentral gyrus
23  cards
Lecture 9
What are the two types of strokes,
Define ischemic stroke,
Define hemorrhagic stroke
32  cards
Lecture 10
What is the purpose of mirror neu...,
List components of mirror neuron ...,
Which hemisphere is specialized f...
4  cards
Lecture 11
Practice is associated with which...,
What will lesions to the left hem...,
Define apraxia
16  cards
Lecture 12
Where are retinal ganglion cells ...,
What is lateral field asymmetry,
Describe lower and upper visual f...
19  cards
Lecture 13
Explain beating heart illusion,
Describe ventral visual pathway,
What is the relationship between ...
43  cards
Lecture 14
Define motor unit,
Describe alpha motor neurons 4 po...,
What is the difference between in...
31  cards
Lecture 15
What are the goals of science,
What are the two types of approaches,
Explain correlational approach
23  cards
Lecture 16
What is shown to help treat schiz...,
How are motor skills classified i...,
List types of task organization
28  cards
Lecture 17
What are the types of errors,
Define constant error,
How is constant error computed
21  cards
Lecture 18
For eeg 1 what does eeg stand for...,
What are the advantages of eeg,
What is the disadvantage of eeg
22  cards
Lecture 19
For tms and rtms 1 what do they s...,
What is the difference between fm...,
In a neuroimaging case study a sc...
10  cards
Lecture 20
Define behaviourism,
What does behaviourism emphasize ...,
What does classic operand conditi...
15  cards
Lecture 21
Define snarc effect,
How is the snarc effect shown in ...,
True or false one factor in the s...
25  cards
Lecture 22
What accounts for mismatch betwee...,
What is responsible for the orien...,
What is the seat of inhibitory co...
22  cards
Lecture 24
What properties do stimuli compri...,
True or false one is better and f...,
Give an example of congruent and ...
36  cards
Lecture 25
True or false stm is categorical ...,
What is the capacity of stm,
Describe brown peterson paradigm
41  cards
Lecture 26
What are the stages of motor lear...,
What was proposed in terms of mov...,
List 1 what is cognitive stage2 c...
46  cards
Lecture 27
Define binocular rivalry,
Define stereopsis,
What information does stereopsis use
23  cards
Lecture 29
What is the double step paradigm,
What supports the double step par...,
What stimuli is the extragenicula...
55  cards

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my packs: (uwo) (kin 1080)

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