This class was created by Brainscape user Talia Casarella. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Introduction to Soft tissue
Name some signs and symptoms of s...,
Name some abnormalities in soft t...,
Myofascial pain syndrome
11  cards
Non-Neuromusculoskletal Sources of Neck and back pain
What are some common serious spin...,
What cancers typically cause spin...,
Cancer and lbp red flags
36  cards
Spine ROM, Strength Measurement Lab
Spine rom measurement methods,
Spine rom estimate measurement me...,
Spine rom estimate measurement me...
12  cards
What is posture,
Ideal posture from a lateral view,
Ideal posture from a posterior view
8  cards
Mobilization/manipulation including grade V thrust
Joint injury can result in what,
Passive intervertebral mobility g...
15  cards
Lumbar Spine: history and Interview
What neuromusculoskeletal structu...,
What visceral structures can refe...,
What are some of the first questi...
17  cards
Fibromyalgia Syndrome
What is fibromyalgia,
What has the etiology been linked to,
What disease is fibromyalgia also...
23  cards
outcome measures
What are outcome measures,
Generic outcome measures,
Condition specific outcome measures
4  cards
lumbar Spine Segmental Assessment and Treatment of hypomobility
Spine hypomobility etiology,
Hypomobility signs and symptoms,
Results of restricted motion
22  cards
Spinal Stenosis
What is spinal stenosis,
Lumbar spinal stenosis incidence,
What is one predisosing factor to...
30  cards
Intervertebral disc
Etiology of conditions related to...,
Structure of ivd,
Function of ivd
14  cards
Lumbar Spine instability
What causes excessive motion of a...,
What are the segmental zones,
Neutral zone
27  cards
McKenizie Approach
What is the mckenzie approach,
Mckenzie syndromes,
What is postural syndrome
24  cards
SI joint Assessment
Si joint articulation,
Si joint articular anatomy,
Sij articular anatoom yarticular ...
36  cards
Common Lumbar Surgical Procedures
Describe the degernative cascade,
Microdisectomy incidence of proce...,
What are strong indications for h...
24  cards
How is the scoliotic curve defined,
What is a compensated scoliotic c...,
16  cards
What is osteoporosis,
Diagnosis quantifying osteoporosis,
Primary osteoporosis risk factors
14  cards
thoracic spine
T s spinous processrule of 3s,
Articulations of the ts vertebrae,
Rib joint articulations
25  cards
Acute Cervical Injury
Oa and aa joints and ligaments,
Vertebral artery and spinal nerve...,
Disc and nerve root relationship
27  cards
Cervical Spine Hypomobility
What are chronic neck pain factors,
Mid and lower c s and upper thora...,
Oa joint
22  cards
C/S hypermobility
C s hypermobiltiy s s,
C s hypermobility presentation an...,
C s hypermobility interventions
4  cards
Cervical Radiculopathy Myelopathy
Spinalmotion theory,
Spinal motion theoryextension,
Spinal motion theorysb and rotation
23  cards
Cervical surgery
Cervical spine disc,
Degeneration in the c s,
Common types of cervical surgeries
20  cards
Tmd incidence,
What is tmd assoicated with,
Tmd exam clinical findings
27  cards
Thoracic Outlet syndrome
What is thoracic outlet syndrome tos,
Incidence of tos,
Tos related diagnosis
12  cards

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musculoskeletal pt 2

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