This class was created by Brainscape user Evie Mander. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (34)

Give an example of an nsaid,
Moa of nsaids,
Contraindication for nsaids
30  cards
Benign Bone Tumours
What is the most common benign bo...,
What is osteochondroma derived from,
Inheritance seen in multiple here...
44  cards
Malignant Bone Tumours
What is the most common malignant...,
Clinical presentation of primary ...,
What is multiple myeloma
24  cards
Benign Soft Tissue Tumours
Where do lipomas usually occur,
Where are pleomorphic lipomas usu...,
What makes a lipoma atypical
4  cards
Soft Tissue Swellings
Where can a giant cell tumour of ...,
Pathophysiology of a giant cell t...,
Clinical presentation of a giant ...
32  cards
Connective Tissue Diseases
What are autoantibodies,
What is another name for conditio...,
Condition associated with anti cc...
49  cards
State the 4 processes of pain phy...,
Define transduction pain physiology,
Define transmission pain physiology
115  cards
What are the 2 natures of bone ma...,
What is a lytic bone lesion,
What is a sclerotic bone lesion
45  cards
What is deontology,
What is consequentialism,
What is utilitarianism
13  cards
Muscle Diseases
What characterises inflammatory m...,
What characterises polymyalgia rh...,
What characterises fibromyalgia
51  cards
Hip Conditions
What usually causes a hip disloca...,
Most common direction of hip disl...,
Associated fractures with a hip d...
37  cards
Pelvic Conditions
What is the most common cause of ...,
What can pelvic soft tissue injur...,
Method of choice for imaging pelv...
12  cards
shaft fractures
Monteggia fracture,
Galeazzi fracture,
Nightstick fracture
20  cards
Foot And Ankle Conditions
What is achilles tendonitis,
What does tendonitis predispose to,
Risk factors for achilles tendonitis
85  cards
Inflammatory Arthiritis
Signs that arthritis is inflammatory,
Signs that back pain is mechanical,
Signs that back pain is inflammatory
98  cards
Bone And Joint Disorders
Where is most commonly affected b...,
Who usually presents with avascul...
58  cards
Upper Arm Conditions
What is biceps tendinopathy,
What can cause biceps tendinopathy,
Symptoms of biceps tendinopathy
12  cards
Back Pain
Most common cause of vertebral os...,
What is vertebral osteomyelitis,
What may vertebral osteomyelitis ...
77  cards
What is vasculitis,
Cause of primary vasculitis,
Cause of secondary vasculitis
50  cards
Elbow Conditions
Mechanism of injury of elbow disl...,
What can a pulled elbow in a chil...,
Clinical presentation of elbow di...
36  cards
Wrist Conditions
What is carpal tunnel,
Who is more likely to develop car...,
Name some conditions that can can...
32  cards
Hand Conditions
What is dupuytrens contracture,
Age of patients who present with ...,
Risk factors for dupuytrens contr...
50  cards
Knee Conditions
Who usually presents with a patel...,
What can cause patellar dislocation,
Which way does a patella dislocate
66  cards
Shoulder Conditions
Who usually presents with shoulde...,
Aetiology of traumatic instability,
What cause atraumatic
53  cards
Fracture Management
What can cause an open fracture,
What describes the degree of cont...,
Investigation of open fractures
21  cards
Fracture Complications
What is compartment syndrome,
Name some risk factors for compar...,
Clinical presentation of compartm...
21  cards
Congenital Disorders
Inheritance of duchennes,
Who is affected by duchennes,
Pathophysiology of duchennes
16  cards
Neuromuscular Disorders
What causes cerebral palsy,
Name the 3 types of problems enco...,
Name 2 msk complications of cereb...
3  cards
Developmental Disorders
What are curly toes,
Which toe is mostly affected by c...
19  cards
growth and development problems
What does fai stand for,
Why does fai occur,
What is cam type fai
58  cards

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