This class was created by Brainscape user Calum Gibson-Smith. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Joints, synovial fluid and cartilage
What are the three types of joints,
Describe fibrous joints,
Where are fibrous joints found
34  cards
Acute Osteomyelitis
What is osteomyelitis,
What is epidiemiology of osteomye...,
What are other disease associated...
31  cards
How do you classify tubeculosis i...,
Where do you see extra articular ...,
Where do you see intra articular ...
12  cards
Septic arthritis
What is septic arthritis,
What age group is more likely to ...,
What joints are commonly infected...
19  cards
Chronic Osteomyelitis
What is chronic osteomyelitis,
What is sequestrum,
How can chronic osteomyelitis occur
6  cards
Nerve palsies in the upper Limbs
What cord does the axillary nerve...,
What does axillary nerve wrap round,
What does axillary nerve supply m...
42  cards
Bone and Soft Tissue Tumours
0  cards
Tendon Injuries
What is a tendon,
What cells make up tendons,
What direction are the cells of a...
27  cards
Peripheral nerve injuries
What diameter do peripheral nerve...,
What coats the axons,
What coats the fascicles
38  cards
HAND - Common Musculoskeletal problems
What are common musculoskeletal p...,
What is dupuytrens disease,
What is epidemiology of dupuytren...
39  cards
SHOULDER AND ELBOW - common problems
What is main shoulder problem in ...,
What is main shoulder problem in ...,
What is main shoulder problem in ...
29  cards
Common disorders of the Hip
What are some common disorders of...,
What characterises osteoarthritis,
What is trochanteric bursitis
34  cards
Common disorders of the knee
What are common disorders of the ...,
What causes an acute meniscal tear,
What causes degenerative meniscal...
32  cards
PAEDS - Common hip conditions
What are the big three common hip...,
What is developmental dysplasia o...,
What is the epidemiology of devel...
27  cards
Midfoot Problems
3 midfoot problems,
What does a dorsal foot ganglia a...,
Aetiology of dorsal foot ganglia
11  cards
Hindfoot Problems
5 types of hindfoot problems,
What is achilles tendonitis tendi...,
4 types of achilles tendinopathy
37  cards
Spina Bifida
What is spina bifida,
5 types of spina bifida,
Describe meningocele
6  cards
Cerebral Palsy
What is cerebral palsy,
Survival of cerebral,
Signs of cerebral palsy
33  cards
Nerve Palsies in Lower Limbs
2 plexuses involved in lower limb...,
Types of sacral plexus palsies,
Type of lumbar plexus palsy
18  cards
Forefoot Problems
6 forefoot problems,
Aetiology of hallux valgus,
Symptoms of hallux valgus
29  cards
Spinal Injury
What do c5 c6 myotomes innervates,
What do c7 c8 myotomes innervate,
What does t1 myotome innervate
32  cards
PAEDS - fractures
What is epidemiology of fractures,
Why do children fractures heal qu...,
What are the types of fractures
13  cards

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