This class was created by Brainscape user Koden Tietjen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

Low Back Region 1
What accounts for 50 of all patie...,
What is the most commonly prescri...,
How many prescriptions were dispe...
17  cards
Pelvic Floor 1
What type of joint is the sacro c...,
What is movement at the sacro coc...,
When is the pubic symphysis joint...
12  cards
Biomechanics Of Lumbar
What are the 3 subsystems,
What percentage of load is throug...,
What percentage of load is throug...
33  cards
Overtreating LBP
What do mris not predict,
What is there no relationship bet...,
What results in increased cancer ...
9  cards
Medical Screening LBP
What is the most common site for ...,
What percent of metastases occur ...,
Where does common metastatic canc...
19  cards
Lower Quarter Screening
What are the standing assessments...,
What are the standing lumbar tests,
What are the types of seated clea...
18  cards
Lumbar Spine Outcome Measures
Statistical significance does not...,
Minimal detectable change,
Minimal clinically important diff...
13  cards
Diagnostic Models In LBP
What is a patho anatomic diagnosis,
What is a prognostic treatment ba...,
What is a pattern recognition dia...
12  cards
Treatment Based Classification
What are the three categories in ...,
What are the clinical findings in...,
What are the clinical findings of...
15  cards
Spinal Manipulations
What are the 5 most predictive fa...,
What are the two most important v...,
What does the likelihood ratio ch...
5  cards
Spinal Motor Control
What are the muscles targeted to ...,
What are some exercises to streng...,
What are some exercises to streng...
8  cards
Centralization And Directional Preference
Chemical pain,
How can chemical pain be reduced,
What can not abolish chemical pain
18  cards
Acute And Chronic Nerve Roots
What are some signs and symptoms ...,
What results in a positive straig...
11  cards
Impaired Based Management (2)
What is the impaired based manage...,
Active pathology,
21  cards
Pain Generators Of Lumbar Spine (2)
What is the cause of most lbp,
What percentage of patients can t...,
What are potential pain generator...
32  cards
Intro To Chronic LBP (2)
What percent of population report...,
Can you treat non mechanical pain...,
Nociplastic pain
7  cards
Joint Mobilizations (2)
What do you assess in manual therapy,
What is ompt,
What altered mechanics can manual...
22  cards
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (2)
Lumbar spinal stenosis,
What is lumbar spinal stenosis ag...,
What is lumbar spinal stenosis re...
18  cards
Fundamentals Of Post Surgical Care (2)
What are the indications for surg...,
What are the pre operative exams ...,
What are the components of preope...
30  cards
Surgical Considerations For Lumbar (2)
What are the four indications for...,
What are epidural injections used...,
What are epidural injections used...
30  cards
Pregnancy (2)
What is the effectiveness of an i...,
What are symptoms during the firs...,
What are symptoms during the seco...
19  cards
Hip Biomechanics (2)
What s the function of the pelvis,
What does the pelvis link,
Where does the pelvis transmit fo...
65  cards
Hip Myology (2)
What are the primary muscles invo...,
What are the secondary muscles in...,
What is the innervation of the re...
14  cards
Hip Functional Implications (2)
Where does the line of gravity li...,
What is muscle function in a bila...,
What is muscle function in a unil...
10  cards
Hip Medical Screening (2)
What are some aggravating factors...,
What are possible conditions with...,
What are possible conditions if t...
34  cards
Graded Exposure And Activity For LBP
Graded activity,
Graded exposure,
6  cards
Outcome Measures Of Hip (2)
How should outcome measures be us...,
12  cards
Hip Osteoarthritis (2)
Move consensus,
What is the difference between ma...,
What is the cost difference betwe...
3  cards
Hip Disorders (2)
What is the general hip diagnosis...,
What is the general hip diagnosis...,
What is the general hip diagnosis...
35  cards
Hip Soft Tissue Disorder (2)
Hip bursitis,
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome,
Who is more prevalent for snappin...
34  cards
Post Operative Hip (2)
0  cards
Hip Pediatrics (2)
What hip disorder do ages 0 2 have,
What hip disorder do ages 2 12 have,
What hip disorder do ages 8 17 have
9  cards

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musculoskeletal 1

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