This class was created by Brainscape user Siby Cherakathil Chacko. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Inflammatory bowel disease
When does people typically develo...,
What is the pathophysiology of cr...,
What is the epidemiology of
31  cards
Chronic Liver disease
What is alcoholic liver disease,
What are the three stages of alco...,
What is the diagnostic criteria f...
45  cards
Food related disorders
What is the pathophysiology of la...,
What is primary lactase deficiency,
What is secondary lactase deficiency
16  cards
GI infections
What is the definition of diarrhoea,
What is acute diarrhoea,
What is the duration of persisten...
64  cards
What is ibs,
What is the aetiology and pathoph...,
What are the three subtypes of ibs
9  cards
What is the definition of true di...,
What is the mean diameter of norm...,
What are the locations of aaa
28  cards
Acute abdomen
What are the causes of small and ...,
What is the pathophysiology of bo...,
What are the risk factors for bow...
13  cards
Surgical Liver & Biliary Disease
What is the normal liver span and...,
What is the blood supply of liver,
75 of functional liverparenchyma ...
32  cards
What is the epidemiology of pancr...,
What is the acronym i get smashed...,
What are the elements of history ...
37  cards
What are the most common hernias,
What is reducible hernia,
What is irreducible or incarcerat...
21  cards
What is the most common surgical ...,
What is the manometric characteri...,
What is the radiographic characte...
13  cards
Colorectal Polyps and Cancer
What are the 4 pathological group...,
What is the definition of a color...,
Over 70 of polyps removed during ...
17  cards
Anorectal diseases
What is an anal fissure,
What are the clinical manifestati...,
What are the treatment in anal fi...
22  cards
Stomach and small intestine
What are the causes of acute gast...,
What is the presentation of acute...,
What is the pathophysiology of ch...
54  cards

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mspa- gastroenterology

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