This class was created by Brainscape user Alyssa Navarre. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Intro and Fracture
Changes in joint and ct,
3 factors that affect bone remode...
54  cards
assignment questions (pre-midterm)
The understanding of genomics has...,
__________ is defined as progress...,
_________ involves the reduction ...
21  cards
MSK Imaging
X rays
34  cards
Joint Disorders
A process of rapis catrilage dege...,
Chondrolysis degeneration is asso...,
What is a common hip occurrence a...
56  cards
soft tissue disorders
_____ refer to the stretching or ...,
_________ is a more chronic condi...,
Medical name for bruising
40  cards
A disorder of one or more ossific...,
In ocd the subchondral bone and a...
19  cards
cervical and thoracic spine
Cervical disc pathology symptoms,
The primary cause of cervical dis...,
Ddd can include annular tears nuc...
77  cards
jiont disorders 2
_________ comprises a heterogeneo...,
In jai pain is often ______ and _...,
What is the largest subcategory o...
36  cards
Lumbar and Sacrum
Disc pathology rarely occurs beca...,
In the lumbar region disc herniat...,
As the disc bulges outward agains...
74  cards
Who are the primary scapular stab...,
Who are the secondary scapular st...,
What muscles elevate the scap
71  cards
Superficial flexor pronators,
Intermediate flexor pronators,
Deep layer of flexor pronators
60  cards
Wrist and hand
At what age are all carpals and o...,
What nerve is compressed with car...,
What goes through the carpal tunnel
33  cards
Intro to PRP Therapy
What is a platelet responsible fo...,
What do activated platelets release,
What is prp
12  cards
What is a clinical syndromebased ...,
What are the three common greater...,
What is the most common age for t...
64  cards
Common way to tear acl,
This injury stretches the ligamen...,
Grade 2 acl
57  cards
Knee 2
What causes patellofemoral pain,
What factors lead to patellofemor...,
What is pes cavus
37  cards
ankle and foot
The ______________ is formed by t...,
A painful overuse tendon injury w...,
The degeneration of the tendon in...
42  cards
metabolic disorders
Metabolic disorders occur from __...,
The _________ is a metabolically ...,
Bone mass peaks between
35  cards
Musculoskeletal Neoplasms
Primary bone tumors,
Primary malignant bone tumors,
Primary benign soft tissue and ca...
14  cards

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