This class was created by Brainscape user ash box. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

What rib lines up w inferior angle,
What are the true ribs,
What are the false ribs
37  cards
Lumbar spine
Typical lumbar vertebrae,
Atypical vertebrae,
Ligaments in order from anterior ...
34  cards
lab quiz 1
What makes c1 different,
Atlanto occipital joint type,
What movement do c1 c2 do
23  cards
How many intervertebral discs,
How many spinal nerves,
How many cervical spinal nerves
54  cards
Cervical spinetypical vs atypical,
3 sections of the atlas c1,
Atlanto occipital joint type arti...
89  cards
sacrum pelvis hip
What does the cremaster connect a...,
What does the cremaster do,
What does the dartos surround and...
78  cards
What of the cervical spine are at...,
Where is the uncinate process found,
What does the spinal cord run thr...
38  cards
lower leg bony landmarks
What is the fovea capitis,
Where is the intertrochanteric crest,
Where is the intertrochanteric line
43  cards
femur & knee joints/muscles
Bursas of the knee 5,
What does a meniscus do,
What is the medial meniscus attac...
11  cards
lower leg joints / fun stuff
4 bursas of the knee,
What type of joint is the tibiofe...,
What type of joint is the patella...
64  cards
LAB quiz femur
What is the fovea capitis,
What 3 tendons sit in the malleol...,
What does the acl reisst
23  cards
leg muscles
Actions of tfl,
Sartorius actions and nerve,
Rectus femoris
36  cards
LOWER LEG muscles
Extensor hallucis longus,
Fibularis peroneus brevis,
Tibialis anterior
8  cards
ankle and foot
What is the ankle and foot made u...,
Name the tarsal bones 7,
What is the head of the talus an ...
53  cards
ankle and foot muscles
What are the 2 intrinsic foot mus...,
Extensor digitorum brevis o,
Extensor digitorum brevis actions...
46  cards
FINAL EXAM - spine,ribs,trunk
Where is our center of gravity,
Anterior pelvic tilt weak muscles,
What bones make up the greater sc...
158  cards
FINAL EXAM, glutes, legs, ankle, foot
What tendons are the malleolar gr...,
Tibiofemoral knee joint type,
Extracapsular ligaments
76  cards
FINAL EXAM sacrum pelvis hip
What bone has the gluteal lines,
What bone has the arcuate auricul...,
What bone has the greater sciatic...
16  cards
final quiz
Which vertebra are spine are atyp...,
What does the spinal cord run thr...,
What runs through the interverteb...
44  cards
Atypical vertebra whole spine,
Coupled motions,
What sp s do not have bifid
28  cards

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msa ii

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