This class was created by Brainscape user Jack Gorard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Skin lumps (548-561)
What are characterisitc features ...,
How would you manage a lipoma,
What is dercum s disease
14  cards
BCC & SCC (562-574)
What are the characteristic featu...,
What are the characteristic featu...,
What are the types of bcc
13  cards
Melanoma (575-595)
Whar are the red flag features in...,
Define melaoma what are the types...,
Name some risk factors for develo...
21  cards
Prostate 1 (596-606)
What are the risk factors for bph,
In which part of the prostate is ...,
What medications are available to...
11  cards
Prostate 2 (607-619)
From which part of the prostate d...,
What types of cancers occur in th...,
Name some risk factos for the dev...
13  cards
Thyroid 1 (620-632)
What investigations would you con...,
What are the worrying signs and s...,
What investigations would you car...
13  cards
Thyroid 2 (633-647)
What does thy3 in fnac mean,
What would be the next most appro...,
What are the stages in the thy ca...
15  cards
Colorectal 1 (648-658)
Define a colonic polyp,
Name some types of colonic polyps,
How are colonic polyps classified
11  cards
Colorectal 2 (659-672)
What is familial adenomatous poly...,
How would you clinically diagnose...,
What gene is assciated with fap
14  cards
Colorectal 3 (673-684)
What is ulcerative colitis,
Name some risk factos for ulcerat...,
Name three difference in the clin...
12  cards
Colorectal 4 (685-703)
What test is used in the current ...,
Name some risk factors for colore...,
What symptoms would a patient wit...
19  cards
Immune system (704-719)
What are macrophages,
What are giant cells,
What is a granuloma
16  cards

More about
mrcs pathology

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