mp224- normal function of renal and hepatic systems

This class was created by Brainscape user Cameron Smith. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

1- Introduction to Normal Function of the Renal and Hepatic System
What are the general functions of...,
How do the kidneys regulate the v...,
What hormones do the kidneys produce
19  cards
2- The anatomy and physiology of the kidney
What is the renal capsule,
What is the renal cortex,
What is the renal medulla
34  cards
3- Roles of the Kidney
What are the functions of the kid...,
What does vasoconstriction of the...,
What does vasodilation of afferen...
19  cards
4- Intro to Pharmacokinetics
Formula for maximum concentration,
Formula for iv loading dose,
Formula for volume of distribution
6  cards
5- The Kidney in Acid Base Balance
What are the functions of the kid...,
What is a normal blood ph,
What are the symptoms of acidosis
20  cards
6- RTS- disorders of the urinary tract
What are the treatments for stres...,
How does duloxetine work and how ...,
How is urge incontinence managed
19  cards
7- Renal excretion of Drugs
What happens when a drug is bound...,
What is the main aim during drug ...,
How can we tell drugs and metabol...
8  cards
8- Drug Elimination
What is the purpose of biotransfo...,
What are polar hydrophilic groups,
What are examples of non polar hy...
46  cards
9- Intro to Pharmacokinetics 2
How to calculate the maximum conc...,
What does the s stand for in maxi...,
How to calculate the concentratio...
8  cards
10- Indices of the Kidney
What are examples of qualitative ...,
What are examples of quantitive r...,
What are common specimens that ar...
23  cards
11- Red cell production and turnover
What are types of white blood cells,
What membranous bones are rbcs pr...,
What is the rbc numbers for male ...
26  cards
12- The roles of the Liver
How many lobes does the liver con...,
Where is the liver located,
What are the 3 main functions of ...
30  cards
13- The anatomy of the liver
What is the function of the gliss...,
How many surfaces do hepatocytes ...,
Where in the hepatocyte is bile s...
31  cards
14- Measuring Hepatic Function
What leak into blood when liver c...,
What substances are measured in l...,
What liver enzymes provide indica...
34  cards
15- Paracetamol and Liver Toxicity
What is the limit for otc slaes o...,
What is iv paracetamol liscenced for,
What are the advantages of iv par...
16  cards
16- Role of the Liver in Homeostasis
What do kupfer cells release on a...,
What do kupffer cells do in the l...,
What are the two polarised phenot...
15  cards
17- IV Infusion Pharmacokinetics
What is the formula for after an ...,
What is the formula for a continu...,
What is the equation for an iv in...
7  cards
18- Drug concentration vs time profiles after an oral or extravascular dose
What extravascular routes of drug...,
What are topical routes of admini...,
What are routes of injection
10  cards
19- How to Keep Healthy
What is good health,
What constitutes a good diet,
What foods are fat soluble vitami...
23  cards
What does a high gfr do to sodium...,
What does a high renal tubule flo...,
What are symptoms of low body sodium
14  cards

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mp224- normal function of renal and hepatic systems

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