motor control - 2700

This class was created by Brainscape user Danica Prociuk. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

InIntro - Chap. 1
What is motor behaviour,
What are the 3 branches of motor ...,
What is motor learning
40  cards
How we decide to move - Chap. 2
What is the order of the informat...,
What needs to happen before any a...,
What is reaction time
70  cards
Attention and Performance - Chap. 3
What is the legal rule of driving...,
What is perceptual attention,
What is cognitive attention
64  cards
Sensory Contributions to Skilled Performance - Chap. 4
What are the 2 major sources of s...,
What is exteroception,
What is proprioception
71  cards
Motor Programs - Chap. 5
Generalized motor program can acc...,
What are degrees of freedom,
What is the degrees of freedom pr...
85  cards
Principles of Speed, Accuracy and Timing - Chap. 6
What is the idea behind fitts law,
What does fitts law predict,
What is the fitts law equation
35  cards
Performance of Complex Movements - Chap. 7
The cns prefers to perform what t...,
According to fitts law how shoudl...
42  cards
Chapter 8 - Intro to Motor Learning
Does improved performance define ...,
Define motor learning,
When measuring learning what are ...
61  cards
Chapter 9 - Skill Aquisition
What is the single most important...,
Practice is more than just what,
What does specificity of learning...
80  cards
Chapter 10 - Structuring Practice
What are 5 things you need to con...,
What are 4 off task practice aspects,
Why does motivation affect a lear...
76  cards
Chapter 11 - Augmented Feedback
When one rece,
What is knowledge of results,
What is knowledge of performance
17  cards

More about
motor control - 2700

  • Class purpose General learning

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