This class was created by Brainscape user Amal Seghir. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

Causes Of Disease
Define etiology,
What is the name given to conditi...,
Haw are causes of diseases classi...
15  cards
Mechanisms Of Disease 1
Define cell growth,
Define differentiation,
What are 3 main groups of disease...
33  cards
Mechanisms Of Disease 2
What is the function of necrosis,
What causes necrosis,
Describe the process of necrosis ...
39  cards
Human Embryonic Development
What are the two main periods of ...,
In what period can defects cause ...,
What are the mechanisms of develo...
17  cards
Stem Cells Regenerative Medicine
What is a stem cells,
What are the 3 types of them cells,
What are some potential uses if s...
32  cards
Genetic Technologies
What is pcr,
What is fragment analysis,
What is huntington s disease
21  cards
Cell Culture Techniques
What is a cell culture,
What are the advantages of cell c...,
What is the difference between pr...
25  cards
Flow Cytometry
What is flow cytometry,
What is flow sorting,
What can a flow cytometer tell us...
24  cards
A Introduction To Microscopy
What is microscopy,
What are the essential parts of t...,
How is a light microscope specime...
29  cards
Liquid Biopsies
When are liquid biopsies used,
What is a liquid biopsy,
What is a example of a well estab...
20  cards
Nutritional Anaemia
Define anaemia,
What is haemoglobin,
What are the haemoglobin levels b...
38  cards
Haemolytic Anaemia
What is haemolytic anaemia,
Describe the normal rbc lifecycle,
What is haemolysis
35  cards
Lboritory Investigation Of The Full Blood Count And White Cell Disorders
Where does normal haemopoiesis bl...,
What occurs during blood cell for...,
What is a full blood count
14  cards
Disorders Of Blood Coagulation
Why are blood clots important,
What happens during haemostasis,
What occurs during primary haemos...
31  cards
Numerical Chromosomal Abnormalities
What structure is most important ...,
What is the kinetochore,
Describe the normal human karyotype
19  cards
Strictural Chromosomal Abnormalities
What are the different types of s...,
What is translocation,
Describe how translocation can oc...
16  cards
Detecting Chromosomal Abnormalities
What are ways of sourcing a prena...,
What are the sources of obtaining...,
Describe the use of chromosome st...
18  cards
Inborn Errors Of Metabolism
What are inborn errors of metabolism,
What are the effects of inborn er...,
What is alkaptonuria
31  cards
Congenital Diseases Associated With Central Nervous System
How is the neural plate converted...,
Where are the closures of the cra...,
What are the 2 modes of neural tu...
19  cards
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Define neurogeneration,
Define neurodegenerative disease,
What are some patterns with neuro...
43  cards
Diabetes And Hypoglycaemia
How are blood glucose levels main...,
What is the effect of increased i...,
What occurs to the insulin levels...
54  cards
Mechanisms Of Oncogenes
What is a oncogene,
What is a tumour suppressor gene,
What factors can increase the ris...
29  cards
Oncogenes And Tumour Suppressor Genes
What was found in the rous sarcom...,
What is the fundamental principle...,
What is the oncogene hypothesis
38  cards
Tumour Angiogeneis, Invasion And Metastasis
What are characteristics of malig...,
Describe the key steps in cancer ...,
What is angiogenesis
27  cards
Clinical Cancer Genetics
Where do cancerous mutations occur,
Describe how constitutional germa...,
Describe how somatic mutations ca...
18  cards
Introduction To Leukaemia
Define leukaemia,
What are haematopoeitic stem cell...,
What are progenitor cells
32  cards
Introduction To Lymphoma And Myelanoma
Define lymphoma,
What are the main functions of th...,
What are primary lymph organs
31  cards
Bacterial Pathogens And Disease 1
Define pathogen,
Define pathogenicity,
Define virulence
41  cards
Bacterial Pathogens And Disease 2
What is a endotoxin,
What structures are present in th...,
What is the structure of the lipo...
20  cards
Introduction To Hormone Dependent Cancers: Breast And Prostate Cancer
What is a hormone,
Where are the endocrine glands in...,
What are the 3 main classes of ho...
75  cards
Endocrine Disorders
Give 3 examples of adrenal steroids,
What are 2 types of adrenal hyper...,
What are 2 types of adrenal insuf...
16  cards
Calcium And Phosphate Metabolisms
What is osteoporosis,
What causes osteoporosis,
How is osteoporosis diagnosed
16  cards

More about
molecular basis of disease

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